Plis no flop. Plis. I also dont like that your left leg was extended from 425 all the way to 390. Decap was iffy.
overally not your best, 7/10

Alrighty alrighty, honestly let's start with the question of what is actually the point of this replay?
All you really do is a floppy opener and then a back hand slap decap?
Anyways I really dislike the movement of elbow on 423 to be honest I didn't like the idea of the whole opener itself.
Back hand slap was alright.
I viewed some of your other replays and seems like you can execute way better stuff than this.
Hopefully you will use that potential in your other replays. (:
Originally Posted by KillerBotX View Post
Fast and simple. that's all.


Originally Posted by Gunkman04 View Post
Plis no flop. Plis. I also dont like that your left leg was extended from 425 all the way to 390. Decap was iffy.
overally not your best, 7/10

Originally Posted by tobreak View Post
Gram most of your replays are good and some are decent

Cheers guys.
Originally Posted by mused View Post
Alrighty alrighty, honestly let's start with the question of what is actually the point of this replay?
All you really do is a floppy opener and then a back hand slap decap?
Anyways I really dislike the movement of elbow on 423 to be honest I didn't like the idea of the whole opener itself.
Back hand slap was alright.
I viewed some of your other replays and seems like you can execute way better stuff than this.
Hopefully you will use that potential in your other replays. (:

Yeah...openers like that are pretty much the foundation of my style. I do weird shit in the openers, experiment with my movement, ya know...Some people like it, some people don't.
And this replay was, indeed, weak compared to the stuff I've done before, but that's due to the lack of motivation and inspiration.
Thanks for the CnC though, appreciated.

I'll probably scrap the decap and try doing something else.
Been there,... done that
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#GrAm-Cataclysm.rpl (183.3 KB, 25 views)
Last edited by GrAmOf0n; Sep 5, 2015 at 02:59 PM.
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk
I prefer the decap to the updated version.
The split and decap were ugly, where as the decap by its self didn't kill the flow.
father of philip scone
Originally Posted by Donkey View Post
I prefer the decap to the updated version.
The split and decap were ugly, where as the decap by its self didn't kill the flow.

I guess it's personal preference. Most people didn't like the decap, so I remade it.
Thanks for commenting though. o7

I can't seem to make anything complicated these days....
It's either decaps or splitcaps....
Attached Files
#GrAm-Silence.rpl (147.1 KB, 39 views)
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk
that fucking opener was pretty dank man. I love spins and you gots da spins. nice little double kick lift into decap. pretty dank man. but pose is twitchy. gj man
Originally Posted by Static View Post
that fucking opener was pretty dank man. I love spins and you gots da spins. nice little double kick lift into decap. pretty dank man. but pose is twitchy. gj man

Static got my cnc Down :o love you two guys great replay Gram :3
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
I mean, you are getting better, but there are faults in the replay.
For instance, from frame 485, to 455 - rotating your chest, which changed your bodies direction from the way you were going, just looks dumb. Also, your left knee also ghosted through your right leg for 20 of those frames.
After that you kicked off the floor and then contracted that same knee back a few frames later, which was also strange-looking.
The rest of it is pretty good, nice flow and shit, the flopping arms actually look nice here... however, the position your body is in when decapping uke looks awkward and un-natural.
It's a cool replay, but still a little more to go to be really good.
oh and generic opener.
father of philip scone