Originally Posted by B0sS View Post
Non virgin, 14.

I lost it at the start of year, ever since then, I guess you could say I've had a darker opinion on things. Judge me however you want, the fact is like most prople here, I've been through enough shit so far that petty comments like 'emo' don't phase me.

As I was saying, I lost it just after my birthday to someone who is now burried in the ground. I don't know why or how but I was just baked and drunk and passed out on a lounge at a party. At that I had a girlfriend but went to the party alone and as fate would have it, some chick by the name of Shannon, was drunk and had a crush on me. She started rubbing me down and whatever happened happened. I can't remember it clearly but I know for a fact we did it. I woke up with her laying slightly on top of me, bra-less and her underwear around her feet. I was completely naked with scratch and bite marks all over my torso. After that we got into a relationship for month or so, we had sex 4 times after that. Evantually it just wore off and took an arguement to make us go our own seperate ways. 6 months later, her little brother tells me that shes been hit by a car. She didn't make it that night.

At that time I didn't exactly have an emotional breakdown but it was very up setting at the time, but do I regret it? No, but I guess it just opened up my eyes a bit and made me emotionally numb on a subject called 'love'.

this will sound harsh but you're 14, you can't know love for someone else. you may think you do and you may truly feel you love them but you don't.
Everyone goes through a lot of shit. It's the way you deal with it which makes you an emo.
And why should this incident make you emotionally numb regarding love? You had a relationship for 1 month and broke up. That doesn't sound like love.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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im 15 and still virgin the worst thing is to dont know what to do:
-have the 1st time with someone you really love and maybe make a real shit
-or do it with a random bish to get prepared and satisfact the special girl
I don't know why people are so proud of losing it before <16. You're all still young, enjoy life before the likes of sex/love screw you over. More likely to damage you're general mental state at that age too. If you're that desperate to get off, beat off.

Lost mine at 15, and not proud of it. Gave me a very relaxed view on sex, that hasn't exactly benefited me in relationships, or just partners since.
Honestly wished I'd waited for someone I truly fell in love for. (Who left me for someone else anyway, So It's a good thing XD)

Mixed views :o
Originally Posted by liveEVIL View Post
im 15 and still virgin the worst thing is to dont know what to do:
-have the 1st time with someone you really love and maybe make a real shit
-or do it with a random bish to get prepared and satisfact the special girl

Have the first time with someone you care about, and seeing that you're 15 the girl you'll be doing will probably be a virgin too. So you're not gonna "fuck it up" ( Oh no I didn't hahaha)
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
yeah i was thinkin in waiting too, but what makes me get worried is the PHAIL. IMAGINE: if i'm with her and stuff and boom and pow and she dont get satisifed? or she dont like it? that would piss me off
Chicks usually don't get satisfied the first time, don't think too much about it, it will all work out just fine.
Thanks for the Avatar, MrAakash
16, non-virgin Broke it when i was early 14, In my friends Brothers Bed with a girl i'd met a few hours before. Roflmao.