Originally Posted by Assasin72 View Post
Did you read the red messages above this application?: Yes
What belt are you?: Yellaw
Where do you want to improve?: Aikido
Favorite mods: Twinswords,Aikido
Why do you want to join?: I See This Clan Is For Beginners,And I'm A Beginner.
Did you answer the first question in this application, which asks if you read the red messages above this application?: YES

Looks good. Accepted

Originally Posted by nihsome View Post
I havnt received a PM for about 12 hours already, will i have to wait another 12 hours?

It could take 5 minutes, it could take a few days. It is when a leader of this clan sees that you were accepted.
daddy kill the spider
my application
my name i the madtori12 real name: austin
my belt:white
what i need to improve in:almost every thing except:judo and akido
my age:12

my favforite mod :judo
my reson why i want to be in this clan:it looks cool and i like the fact that you try to make players better in toribash.
Last edited by Madtori12; Nov 13, 2011 at 12:07 AM. Reason: i made a mistake
Originally Posted by Madtori12 View Post
my name i the madtori12 real name: austin
my belt:white
what i need to improve in:almost every thing except:judo and akido
my age:12

my favforite mod :judo
my reson why i want to be in this clan:it looks cool and i like the fact that you try to make players better in toribash.

You like the fact that we help new people and that's why you want to join?

Provide a better reason. Furthermore, fill out every question from the application format.

Did you read the red messages above this application?:
Age (optional):
Where do you live? (optional):
What belt are you?:
Where do you want to improve?:
Favorite mods:
Why do you want to join?:
Did you answer the first question in this application, which asks if you read the red messages above this application?:

All uninvited members are invited. If someone didn't receive invitation, Pm me.
Did you read the red messages above this application?: Yes i did
Age (optional): 19
Where do you live? (optional): stockholm
What belt are you?: Brown
Where do you want to improve?: Skills in judo and taeykon
Favorite mods: Aikido judo and unrealfreerunnig
Why do you want to join?: i wanna improve my skills a little bit more
Did you answer the first question in this application, which asks if you read the red messages above this application?: yes i did Promise ;)
did you read the red messages above this aplication?:yes
where do you live:jakarta,indonesia
what belt are you:white
where do you want to improve?:skill in aikido and shovle type battle
favorite mods:twinsword4fixed
why do you want to join:i wanna improve my skills a little bit more
Did you answer the first question in this application, which asks if you read the red messages above this application?: yes,i did.i promise
Last edited by neorotoxin; Nov 13, 2011 at 01:44 PM.
ok so do you want me yo make another one or just edit it
Last edited by Madtori12; Nov 13, 2011 at 01:53 PM. Reason: mistspelled just