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Activity check and Legendary clans news
Good morning to all of you,

Today's news have been in discussion for quite a while among the clan staff team, and today they can finally be announced to the public.

What exactly is the news?

We have 2 major news points.

Thank you all for reading, if you have any questions or objections feel free to point them out in this thread, cheers.
Last edited by duck; Jul 22, 2018 at 08:20 PM.
Originally Posted by Slau View Post
if playing 5 games basically gives me the right to shitpost for an entire month then what's the big deal. imagine a clan like TLL, 30 members, decent-ish activity on the forums. with the current system, if like 3 ppl played two to three solo wars each, then left the game for a month again, you'd get enough points. that's actually a really fuckin low standard

XP   + in-game activity  + wars + forum    = points
(~1) + (3 / (30/2) * 45) + 15   + (~25-30) = ~50-55 pts
idk what XP is based on, could be a few points higher. i also don't know what our clan scored for forum activity, as i was unable to find the statistics on my clan page

seeing my old clan die and my current clan getting a strike was painful, plowing through this thread wasn't much better. come on

fucking hell duck get more ingame active and do some wars for us, you dumb choice-specs calm-mind running hypocrite

whatever this math is, i dont understand
i just wanted to pitch in with a pic of our stats, so you can compare because wars are scored differently if you're solo
most of these wars are done with 1-3 people winning at a high ratio

Originally Posted by Ronan View Post
Tutorials aren't clans? I don't get the point you're trying to make here.

just a joke
PM me with any and all questions
Wars - 0 - 15 pts.
As long as your clan plays 7 wars (won or lost) per month, you will get full points.

I don't think it matters if you war solo or not.
when you have a barely somewhat alive game dying so rapidly dont you think itd be a better idea to reward activity instead of suddenly penalizing inactivity and cause the small amount of players left in the game to leav e
Honestly this has got to be the biggest downfall I have ever seen in Toribash history.

Not only are the forums basically dead, nothing really "new" is brought for the community to enjoy, the events are lackluster at best, the servers are basically a graveyard with the least amount of activity I have ever seen in my over 10 years of playing, there is less than minimal effort to attempt to fix any of this, the majority of the clan community is outraged by your stupid attempt to actually do something..

I mean honestly.... with all due respect and I mean no offense to anyone but..
either straighten up and do a better job or find someone else who can.

Obviously the community is getting the short end of the stick here and it has been showing gradually more and more as time passes. This is a great way to kill a once amazing game, I really hope you pull eachothers heads out of who evers ass it's up and get your head in the game and at least try to pretend you care about this game.

It's been proven that currently there is no true appreciation and respect anymore by the current staff.

Your efforts are pointless and pathetic, my left toe nail can do a better job.

Last edited by Tripstone; Oct 9, 2018 at 12:48 AM.
Originally Posted by Tripstone View Post
Honestly this has got to be the biggest downfall I have ever seen in Toribash history.

Not only are the forums basically dead, nothing really "new" is brought for the community to enjoy, the events are lackluster at best, the servers are basically a graveyard with the least amount of activity I have ever seen in my over 10 years of playing, there is less than minimal effort to attempt to fix any of this, the majority of the clan community is outraged by your stupid attempt to actually do something..

I mean honestly.... with all due respect and I mean no offense to anyone but..
either straighten up and do a better job or find someone else who can.

Obviously the community is getting the short end of the stick here and it has been showing gradually more and more as time passes. This is a great way to kill a once amazing game, I really hope you pull eachothers heads out of who evers ass it's up and get your head in the game and at least try to pretend you care about this game.

It's been proven that currently there is no true appreciation and respect anymore by the current staff.

Your efforts are pointless and pathetic, my left toe nail can do a better job.


I gotta agree the hype for this game should be big right now. Should be events everyday with tbn on the way. I rarely see anything and I know CL is going on but still there is hundreds to thousands of players that are still here and its kinda dead. The most I see on now is roughly 300. I miss the Old days and we need to bring it back.
Originally Posted by Hattersin View Post
whatever this math is, i dont understand
i just wanted to pitch in with a pic of our stats, so you can compare because wars are scored differently if you're solo
most of these wars are done with 1-3 people winning at a high ratio

i assume any war nets you a little over 2 points, then

the point i was trying to make is that for a 30 people forum semi-active clan you need a minimum of just 3 active players to get enough points to pass