I make it Big on purpose, because I'm trying new style Semi Realistic-Anime Head. Though I still have the psd file on my Pc, I'll make the eyes smaller and compare with the big one.
some things are off,
first, the eyes size, too big and do not look correct.

second, the hair, it is not following the flow correct, look at the clumps,
correct them.

third, the face shading, he looks fat at the moment, you shaded the cheek wrong, now it looks bigger and fat, same with the jaw, it is too big,
some other thing a could say is the jaw mapping, it makes the neck look like goiter, and end up looking fat.

I know he is smilling, but do the wrinkles with hard brush and adjust with other tools.

I can't show examples to get you a better idea of realistic with anime.

here is something,


I don't want to show off, just look at the cheek shape, jaw mapping and hair,
you can add some stains like color of skin with orange, and the cheek would end up thin and realistic
the jaw , just should be lower, don't do it too low or it would distort when on the side view.
the hair must follow a flow, You can ,make it anime or realistic, just use a good level of detail and keep the flow correct


take a look at the shading of this images here,
and try something like this.


Last edited by dengue; Oct 1, 2012 at 07:21 PM.
Thank you for the advice, just fixed some parts (Especially the cheek).
Still having problems with the hair, a bit hard to make it properly.
Originally Posted by jokerstein View Post
How do you make it?
Do you use a tablet or..

Nope, i draw it on paper, scan it and coloring it.

Originally Posted by dengue View Post
I suggest you to use brush with low opacity instead of smudge.

What do you think about this?
I use smudge only for hair and a little bit for shirt.

Original pic (Big Image)

Last edited by Enma; May 26, 2013 at 03:56 AM.