i wold try and get thair intrest with a choclate bar
heehehe shold realy get em
When everything fails. [RAM] doesn't .
[Baltic] [RAM] [wushu leguevl2]
Originally Posted by Gorman View Post
Zombies have a great sense of smell, and so would easily track down Thunder, who would be defenseless and unable to run.

Well in reality, zombies don't exist.

Considering the circumstances, I would get on a boat and go to the the nearest lone isle. Last time I checked, zombies can't swim. Usually, I would prefer a cold climatic area such as one of the lone isles in South America.
Last edited by Feurza; Apr 17, 2010 at 06:52 PM.
Originally Posted by Feurza View Post
Well in reality, zombies don't exist.

Considering the circumstances, I would get on a boat and go to the the nearest lone isle. Last time I checked, zombies can't swim. Usually, I would prefer a cold climatic area such as one of the lone isles in South America.

Zombies can't swim. But they can walk along the bottom of the seabed.Or float due to all the gases trapped inside a rotting human corpse.As for me, if I were going to be hiding out in the sea, I'd probably live on a oil derrick or on Sealand.
Originally Posted by Stickicide View Post
My plan would be to chill with Bill, Louis, and Zoe. Not Francis, he creeps me out.

I'd avoid Louis. He's a pill addict.Here he is passed out on pills.
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Thinking a little bit more, I would became a Zombie. If you can't beat them, join then, right?
Then, I would start to develop something that helps agains UV light, like pills or medicines. And of course would hunt everyone I see.
[QUOTE=xXfactionXx;2585498]my plan: Buy tons, and i mean TONS of blankets, pillows, other big quilts and such things as this, fill a whole room with them, lock the door, barricade it with wood, nails, steel planks, big dresser in front of all that just in case, build a tiny ass hut in the corner of the room made of wooden planks to lay in, find me in that becuase the whole room is filled with blankets, have a loaded gun sitting on the window sill, just in case some idiot zombie DOES come inside, empty almost the whole clip exceppt one into theyre all dead, re-barricade door, laod gun again, but a single bullet on the window sill next to my gun with my name on it, eat and sleep until i see military planes flying above me, then come out of my hiding place, embrase fresh air and live happily ever after.[QUOTE]
Who here likes this idea??