Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been on. When zone started dying I kind of lost my motivation to play, and I stayed on the forum every few days but I just kind of fell off and completely forgot about it. I'm on vacation now and my internet is way too poor to play seriously, but I could always try. When I get home I'll definitely give it a shot again, I hope to see you guys around. I might pick it up again and get back into it, but right now my main game is LoL. It looks like you kicked me out, and that's definitely a good thing. I doubt I'll be back in the clan scene ever, unless I seriously pick it up again. Maybe in a few months I'll apply back here again, I see that all the old faces are still here. Anyways, I'll see you all around, probably in aikido or something that isn't decided by a dismemberment start. Good luck and good games!
No worries, Butterback, nothing has really been going on anyways. We've all kind of lost motivation to play...You should add me on LoL. IGN: HeartlessJinday. I normally play top and mid. Oh, I'll be getting a new laptop...possibly today that is a lot more powerful than this one. It should inspire me to play this some more.
Damn, I miss you guys. I made a lot of memories here. Sup? - Nin0fShin 2018
<[Twist]Nijia> Nin doesnt cry, he makes other people cry for him!
Originally Posted by Butterback View Post
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been on. When zone started dying I kind of lost my motivation to play, and I stayed on the forum every few days but I just kind of fell off and completely forgot about it. I'm on vacation now and my internet is way too poor to play seriously, but I could always try. When I get home I'll definitely give it a shot again, I hope to see you guys around. I might pick it up again and get back into it, but right now my main game is LoL. It looks like you kicked me out, and that's definitely a good thing. I doubt I'll be back in the clan scene ever, unless I seriously pick it up again. Maybe in a few months I'll apply back here again, I see that all the old faces are still here. Anyways, I'll see you all around, probably in aikido or something that isn't decided by a dismemberment start. Good luck and good games!

well if you want to rejoin, its a yes from me, if i remember correctly you always pwned me xD

and nin, please add raage to the clan, he got the three votes he needs to get it 0-0
Butterback! Glad to see that you are still alive, I haven't heard from you in awhile. Have fun doing LoL and chat me up on steam sometimes, we could have a party with Chance like we usually do. Hope you come back to Zone sometime in the future, even if you don't play the game, Its alright to just talk on the forums sometimes.
Man, it's been years but I've started playing Toribash again. Hit me up if you want to chat - Soda 2020
I'm still on vacation until this weekend, so as soon as I get back in and get a stable internet connection I'll have to message you guys on your various games and applications. I played a few laggy white belt games (because black belt matches went hilariously bad) and I can see why I like toribash. I will have a solid day or two of driving in the next few days so I'm gong to be pretty much internetless, so I'll talk to you guys this weekend. Until then, happy bashing!
I just got my new laptop, I'm downloading Tb now.
Damn, I miss you guys. I made a lot of memories here. Sup? - Nin0fShin 2018
<[Twist]Nijia> Nin doesnt cry, he makes other people cry for him!
They've upgraded Toribash so much. e.e
Damn, I miss you guys. I made a lot of memories here. Sup? - Nin0fShin 2018
<[Twist]Nijia> Nin doesnt cry, he makes other people cry for him!
Ugh, there really hasn't been much to talk about as of late. You guys think we should enter the next clan event that's hosted? I know we aren't really active in game as of recently, but it might be a good idea regardless.

P.S. On a side note, working second shift sucks. I work while all of ya'll play, so I never get to see you on, and I sleep in the mornings. It's frustrating. Also, I wish they still had clan wars.
Last edited by Templar; Jul 28, 2013 at 10:44 AM. Reason: Do I really need one?
Due to my inactivity, I'm resigning as leader. I can't be a leader because I don't have the time I had as a freshman anymore. Sorry I wasn't more motivating or an inspirational figure to get on this game, but I was just too busy and couldn't motivate myself to get on in my free time. The new leader of Zone will be an old member, SodaCap, since the person I planned to have my spot is sourght of in the same position as me..I'm really sorry I couldn't do much during my term, but if I get some kind of free time and will, I will be glad to pick Zone back up. Thanks for supporting me though!
Damn, I miss you guys. I made a lot of memories here. Sup? - Nin0fShin 2018
<[Twist]Nijia> Nin doesnt cry, he makes other people cry for him!