Originally Posted by NimbleThief View Post
Yea but weoo why shouldn't Aubrey ban you? Is the questions we should all be asking here.

Because I didn't do anything that deserved being banned over. He said I was "rude" for questioning his actions.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
No need to get passive aggressive in our thread because you irked Aubrey and got banned for it lmao.

Usually when a ton of people start being annoying about something he bans the loudest voice. He doesn't have a lot of patience for childish or annoying behaviour
I'm sorry for complaining in your thread. I just didn't understand why he just decided to ban me.

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."
Nah, no problem. I know Aubrey can seem a little unreasonable. He has lower thresholds for certain triggers than others, and usually people questioning his decisions/authority is one of them.
Still isn't acceptable in my opinion no offence you shouldn't be rude to people without understanding what happened or no valid reason. He has been quite rude time and time again. + He still owe's me 2k for sinking a betting sever & didn't reset the bet's etc etc & that was like easily a week ago.

*Also if you think this is me trying to start a fight etc etc* you're deeply wrong. Just friendly banter.
Last edited by Jewww; Jan 12, 2016 at 02:46 AM.
Rythm smells like Cheese
Originally Posted by Jewww View Post
you shouldn't be rude to people without understanding what happened or no valid reason.

Couldn't have said it better myself :v

Now, you're welcome to post here, but if you do want to post here you are not welcome to gripe about our members. If you have legitimate complains, take it up with Aubrey or even me in PM.

Just because you tack a little phrase on the end of your post denying something doesn't really amend the fact that you're clearly doing it.

Say I were to walk up to you and tell you a joke. "How do you keep a nigger out of your back yard?"
"Hang one in the front."
And then immediately say, "But man I'm not being racist!" you'd probably call bullshit wouldn't you?

mwah, Pope Urban II, please no cut. I'm using an extreme example on purpose <.<

Actually, I changed my mind at the end of my post. Just go away, Jewww
I just brought it up for lols ;-; I wasn't literally angry at Aubrey. i was just confused and maybe he'd post here and explain more. .-. should have just PM'd him, but I didn't want him to get angry at me

"Dear reader, I hope this email finds you before I do."