Original Post
Prizes for belts, win streaks, variable tourney prizes, logging in, 2nd place
Note: This thread has been merged with similar threads.

Others suggestions in this thread:
- tourney prizes proportional to the number of games played, or participants.
- win streak prizes
- prizes for gaining belts
- some sort of reward for overcoming the challenge of logging in?
- bigger prizes for anything and everything

My idea is that there should be another tc tourney but with more tc like 1k, 1,500 or 2k. I mean I think it would be much more fun and easier for people to get textures, and for noobs just starting to have a good amount of tc. The mod could be aikido or Rk mama. I just think there should be another tourney besides 500tc and 750tc you know a little higher.
Last edited by Fish; Oct 30, 2012 at 01:31 AM.
Logging in for the mere purpose of having logged in that day shouldn't be the aim, in my opinion.

That should be a reward for long-term active players - a little reward for being loyal to the game and / or it's forums.

Seriously man, would u like 100-1k TC just because u went on toribash for a month ?

Think about this!This Is For Ur Own Good
What's the difference between us? Let's start at the penis.
Originally Posted by Fenris View Post
Should never be implemented. Earning tc is no problem, all you need is dedication towards getting better in-game or getting good at art.

as Mwah said, this or that will only cause more abuse, trouble for moderators and such. Will also open door for many jerks who think they're smart to search for new ways to abuse the feature.

I agree. Also, judging by the above post, I will say that being a member longer and playing longer are two different things. Both of them combined, maybe. You can't judge by the one month of playing. I have played longer, he is probably better than me. :o It could be the other way around, etc. Tournaments will solve all your problems! :-DDDD
Last edited by Link; Jun 24, 2014 at 07:24 PM.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
Originally Posted by Fenris View Post
all you need is dedication towards getting better in-game or getting good at art.

what a great vision of the future for toribash, I love how you purpose a huge panel of possibility... it's reductive.
Elle couuurt, Elle coooourt! LA MAAAAaaaAaladiiiie d'amOOoour! Dans le c... (cœur) des enfaaants! De 16 à 77 ans!
Is tc earning seriously that hard for some people? Welcome to toribash, where it is not exploit to win. Marketing doesn't take much time and can be rewarding, even things such as making art and doing tourneys can be fun and also do the same purpose. Toribash doesn't need loyalty bonuses, it has never in its over 8years(?) history and we sure as hell don't need it now.

thank you for your time.
good night.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
I like the idea but staff would have to waste to much...tons of alts being made and for brown belt a thing worth 18k people would just buy qi and send items to main...
new tournies
there should be new tournies that range from 2,000-3,500 tc that would be worth a 7 min wait and take 6 players to start
no theres already too much tc in the system. if those happen tc would become virtualy worthless.
I don't like military time, I prefer metric or imperial.
things are expensive and it not like u will win 200 in a day there will probably be 20 people in that room you would be lucky to even enter
my getting this things will get MORE expensive to compensate.
I don't like military time, I prefer metric or imperial.