Hey im making a new mod and i need to make uke move without affecting tori. I originally started using jamz mod tutorial but it does not say how to do this, i.e. i am using notepad to make this. is there a code i need to prevent tori from moving??
you could move tori and uke far enough apart so they don't hit each other, or you can move tori or uke onto a platform in the air.
no sorry i worded that worng, i mean that i dont want tori to move full stop. i want to make it look like tori pushed him without touching him (star wars force style??). BTW just thought, has anyone done this before?
thanks for helping
theres a uke wall script, that makes it so uke can't move, it's somewhere in the lua board. also, great to see someone finds my tut useful.

EDIT: ohh u want him to move without touching him? somehow i thought u wanted him not to move. xD

uhh, well that could be done with some replay hacking perhaps, or an invisible object colliding with him...
thanx ill try that..
and ur tut was great altho i disreagrded ur previous post in that thread about not using find lol, i wasnt makin ur mod i was doin my own (actually for a computer leeson at school lol)
He could, of course, set the velocity for all joints to 0 for tori... That would leave him leave him paralyzed, but bendable... Setting range to 0 for all joints would make him rigid, but movable.
And wasn't flag 8 available for body parts in the new beta? If so, set flag 8 for all tori's parts. That'd make him totally static.
I'm back, I think... :)
Mod Pack
Hmm... Is there a way to make certain joints not dismember while leaving the other ones able to be?

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do