i've never noticed this thread before :v

i recently crafted sneeds old shredder and this play happened. sneeds old shredder into avianna into win. dreams do come true.

le phone image

also this new expansion is amazing, i barely fight any facehunters now. it seems like control warrior is all the rage now. justicar trueheart + warrior heropower is incredable.
my favourite card from the 12 packs of tgt i've opened so far is the murloc knight, he might even be better than piloted shredder.
Last edited by killer3366; Aug 25, 2015 at 10:35 AM.
Dot dot dot
Originally Posted by EJM View Post


See oracle? Screw totemic might.

No mukla's champion, worst deck, 0/10
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Shaman is really good and crazy fun to play. I can't afford those two legends you need for the deck though.

Even without mistcaller and that other one I forget the name of, it was pretty good, Went like 7-2 I think at rank 5-4
Cutpurse is a lot of fun if it can stay out. Getting a coin every turn I can swing at face can result in some wonky curves. Turn 7 nef on rogue is odd as fuck.

Edit: holy fuck the luck, activate beneath the grounds, end turn, enemy draws two ambushes in a row (3/19 and then 1/9 odds). 3 mana for 2 4/4s fucking value.
Last edited by Oracle; Aug 26, 2015 at 12:46 AM.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
That feel when somebody misses lethal and you proceed to punish them for it. I had 13 life and I played a molten giant and a succubus, while he had a sea reaver and an arcanite reaver, passed turn. He used charge on the sea reaver, which means he had lethal with face with both sea reaver (8-) and arcanite reaver (5), and he swung to kill my giant and succubus instead. It was confusing, but fuck it, I'll take the handout.
Last edited by Oracle; Aug 28, 2015 at 03:57 PM. Reason: fuck smilies
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
So I made a video of me playing a few games of the new Shaman Totem deck.

Didn't do too great, but I should be uploading Hearthstone quite a bit now (as well as CS:GO, if you're into that) so check out my channel if you'd like.

Here's the video:
Last edited by Clay; Aug 29, 2015 at 02:02 AM.
time to open up your end of season chests, this is what i got for reaching rank 4

end of season bonus chest

Dot dot dot