What's your real name? :
How old are you? :
Whats your Current Belt? :
How long have you been playing? :
Have you taken any elongated breaks since starting TB?:
Current Country / GMT? :
Former Clans? :
Why you left/got Kicked:
Any Skills For the Clan?(Provide Proof) :
How active are you forum-wise?(1-10) :
How active are you In-game?(1-10) :
Any Bans? :
Any recent major infractions? :
Any Alts? :
If you have alts, list them here:
Who Told you to post an Application here:
Skype Name:
Will you follow the Rules?:
Anything else you'd like to say?(1 or 2 paragraphs) :
Draw what Legendaryl Means to YOU! (Gimp/MS paint/Photoshop):
Please include 4 replays. 2 Single player, and 2 Multiplayer:

The new application.
Last edited by Drakeco; Apr 25, 2013 at 10:54 PM.
Originally Posted by mercykiller View Post
What's your real name? :
How old are you? :
Whats your Current Belt? :
How long have you been playing? :
Have you taken any elongated breaks since starting TB?:
Current Country / GMT? :
Former Clans? :
Why you left/got Kicked:
Any Skills For the Clan?(Provide Proof) :
How active are you forum-wise?(1-10) :
How active are you In-game?(1-10) :
Any Bans? :
Any recent major infractions? :
Any Alts? :
If you have alts, list them here:
Who Told you to post an Application here:
Skype Name:
Will you follow the Rules?:
Anything else you'd like to say?(1 or 2 paragraphs) :
Draw what Legendaryl Means to YOU! (Gimp/MS paint/Photoshop):
Please include 4 replays. 2 Single player, and 2 Multiplayer:

The new application.

this is samething the manger should come out with. pass it by them first. if he likes it then, that becomes the new app.
want a events planer? well pm me !~forever a slave to the gods!
Yeah I could decide but I always.put same head of recuitment an its rules. But ok ill.take this one, that is the new app for the clan.
want a events planer? well pm me !~forever a slave to the gods!
Originally Posted by Xipherion View Post
do we redo our apps? or no? (with the updated one)

no your fine if you are already a member.

Originally Posted by xxGangstaxx View Post
Yea I'm ok with this app

ok, i will get it added.

Originally Posted by mercykiller View Post
Okay Then we are okay with It..

yeah its passed. xgang agreed with it as well.
want a events planer? well pm me !~forever a slave to the gods!