Remenber Guys to get a better rank in the clan is how much you help it and how dedicated you are to it
probably [UNLMTD] they got some issues.....that need to be fixed by some ass whopin...or maybe [DAT] lol or random people..
ok rat i tested a guy named alien0 and he dominated beta box while i was there and he did really good in judo so i think hes going to be a strong one
BELT - Blue.
REASON - To get ajusted to the game and make more friends.
NAME - Zeropha
FREQUENTED SERVERS - Mod:Twinsword. Or the Pro one, which for some reason is only black belts now...
Also I sometimes like to go to modded servers or even my favorite..AIKIDO!
hey guys we need more money in the bank if we plan on getting a server
hey whats going on we need so start saveing more if we plan on getting a server and becoming offical we got 3585.50 in the bank now we need to get 50000tc in the bank so if u have extra tc or u just want to help send them to me and get us closer to becoming offical
BELT: Black, almost 2nd dan
REASON: I am a friend of gamers, i helped him start out and i feel like helping out the clan.
NAME: CrazyYak
How many of you have met a yak who can play games....huh....yea thats what i thought too...