Originally Posted by Rune View Post
Nice plans,
I hope they work out nice.

That hotsauce ain't hot ;)

I wish it was not that hot. It was pretty bad though.

Plans didnt go as....planned..... but a video will be uploaded by tmmrw
Last edited by RAWWRH; Apr 22, 2015 at 03:04 AM.
So, my intentions where to give you guys another video of darksouls. Part because it was the first thing I started and part because I wanted to play. But Fraps decides it has a boner for my camera mic and was recording there when I told it not too. So the audio is crap. And rather have you sit through that, I'd rather just tell you that nothing really happened.

Expect a video here soon of more shit playing.
So it has come to my attention I have not really done anything here on this thread. Or on youtube...or on anything....So, two things come to mind as to what I want to do.

1) I have this weird Guilty pleasure (I guess?) for answering questions. Even though it might be hard to pull questions from me to answer, ASK ANYTHING. If its vulgar or inappropriate...well... EVEN BETTER!

Related to the first one, I live with little to no regret, so challenge me to do something that wont get me kicked off youtube, and I'll try my best to do it. Even if it is eating weird shit!

2) Change the kind of content that appeared in my first few videos. I've always been a far of high action pack speed comedy videos, that are clean edited for just the best bits. I want to try this! Will it be good? Probably not. But I'm still learning.

But before I do all that, I'm currently uploading some FTL shenanigans. Because I've never played it.
Will edit this post to add it.

Last edited by RAWWRH; Jul 22, 2015 at 02:34 PM.
Originally Posted by Hypersaint View Post
I am not sure why you posted it on the Toribash forums since you wont be playing any Toribash. .-.

I don't actively upload things, else there would be more Toribash related content. Right now there is one video.

Also, as of right now, there are no rules stating what the content of your media has to be in order to be posted here.
Oh jeeze this thing is old.

I want to start up doing this again because I think it's extremely fun, and right now I actually have an "office" space to do some stuff! And a ps4, so I plan on buying a capture card to increase the quality of videos.

But for now I ask, would anyone be interested in a playthrough of the original crash games? I wanna hype/prep myself for the remakes coming out.