It really was close, I looked again and he was winning until the very last frame. And I see what you're saying about the realism, my locomotion is pretty bad. :v This one is a little bit better, I tried to sustain my movements a little more so it wouldn't seem so jumpy. Plus Lolercoast does some nice freerunning.
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Make more use of your hands, in most of your replays there were lots of opportunities to punch.
Punching makes a replay look more stylish and realistic as long as you stay on your feet.
| tom |
I'll keep that in mind, punches are cool but there are definitely moments where I favor kicks in their place and it can break up the flow. It's more of a range thing, there are a lot of times where I've lined up a punch, turned and taken a toe to the face. Working on using arm blocks more might balance that, I think. Anyway, thanks for the comment. Hope we get to spar again soon.

This one I'm posting could've benefited from some more realistic fighting, but it's awesome so I don't care. I finally understand what Fish was saying about the cowbell.
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Humm, I guess thats ok, you were stiff and choppy in a few places (transition to the first kick) and as you said, it could have benefited from more realism.
| tom |
Sparring isn't all about attacking. It's about style and how fancy you can pull off hard moves, (In my prospective) I like it when Fish fell, and you were doing the freestyling and then went down to get him. Remember, Style is a big point in sparring I think. and makes it easier to watch. I liked it.

wooo 7/10 xD
So what part of my fall did you like zinx, did you like how I jumped or how I landed?

I know what you mean by easier to watch, its easier to observe whats happening when the players are doing realistic and smooth moves.
Last edited by Fish; May 5, 2010 at 07:12 AM.
Glad to hear somebody kinda liked it. Here's the sequel!
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I think I head butted your head off there. Kinda random for a 400DM threshold but it added all the cowbell we needed.

My movements weren't too smooth but I was trying to make the throws as good as possible, and I am very pleased with the results.

This is a major step forwards from our previous replays.
Yeah, we sort of rammed all our weight up against our shoulders at the same time. It made for a good replay though, I thought our movements were pretty smooth. You had a little trouble getting the throw off, and I swung around wildly in the air while I was holding the head, but it happens. The massive medicine ball heads are the problem, lol.
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