Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Please take a look at the first post.


Further useless posts will be reported, read the first post and avoid a report.
sorry, didn't want to make you angry ;)
Avvy or Sig (both?): avvy
Size:regular member size?
Reference(Character? Your Tori?):Alan wake american nightmare
Text?:my name
Willing to pay?(The more tc, the more effort I'll put into it):i want good piece so,i can't really offer.. in my opinion 3-6k if its good
Not angry, just disappointed.

Anyways, added to the list.

Going to get started.


What do you think Gox?

Last edited by Fenris; May 4, 2012 at 06:55 AM.
Avvy or Sig (both?): avvy
Reference(Character? Your Tori?):Shirako takamoto from hotwheels acceleracer
Willing to pay?(The more tc, the more effort I'll put into it):3k
Last edited by Sniper; May 4, 2012 at 09:18 PM.
u wot m8
No I did not, and it's not for free.

If you are not pleased with what I've made, get out.

You are paying "1,5 or less" don't expect me to put much effort into it.

Stock I used.


Edit: 45, added to the list.
Last edited by Fenris; May 4, 2012 at 07:45 PM.