ur hellbent on my Destruction and you actually give up? surprising

P.S what the heck is ur avatar?
[10:19] <~Tim> Why the fuck not, I'm insane :D
[12:06] <~Tim> Frost-Dragon: I bet you're sexy
A: I hate you!
B: I still hate you!
C: I decided that the original n00bs have turned you into them, and I cannot uncorrupt you.
D: He is the demonic psycho killer in Twisted Metal. He once was just another killer, but a preacher cursed him to have fLAMES burn on his head, and never die. Surviving execution, he kills anyone he sees, without mercy. He is my hero.
Only Emos /wrists
howdy noticed that your enemys with the Tori-Dragons
especialy Frost-Dragon
and i would love to request if i could join as i have had some run ins with him and share your hate
i'm the last of my clan and need a new one as FEAR never arose to anything

P.S im black belt
you PMed me to join my clan and i said ill think about it when our board gets set up..... so dont start lies like Videoboy88 and Mister616 just cuz u didnt take make the cut
[10:19] <~Tim> Why the fuck not, I'm insane :D
[12:06] <~Tim> Frost-Dragon: I bet you're sexy
Animal clan is kinda frosts enemy also... almost started a war xD lol. Oh and hey blackroses from Redon.(i have gotten badass since we last fought blackroses)
I Burn With A Passion To (bleep) All Your Moms
George W. Bush: Master of low expectations and son of one HOT mother!
Originally Posted by Frost-Dragon View Post
you PMed me to join my clan and i said ill think about it when our board gets set up..... so dont start lies like Videoboy88 and Mister616 just cuz u didnt take make the cut

Screenshots do not lie.
Unlike your horrific photoshop job.
I'd like to see Hulk get so pissed that he exits his physical body.
Instead of being powered by psychic energy or whatever, he's powered by ARRRGH FUCK YOU
hurray thanks videoboy =]

and to reply to frost-dragon, no i didnt i joined the server you were in after one of your other mebers gave me a tryout and said i was now in the clan, and you were a little more than just rude to put it politely