My Chivalry Application

My name is Daniel and I'd like to join your clan. I've been playing Toribash since 2014 after having seen the game being played on Youtube, and subsequently downloaded it because it looked pretty cool. I played extremely frequently for roughly a year, and got pretty decent at some mods. However, until recently, I have been extremely inactive, and only played the game sporadically. Having returned to Toribash, I've been snooping around clan threads, public rooms and clan recruitment servers, like some kind of creepy voyeur, and eyeing up different clans. Chivalry caught my eye mainly because it seems like an extremely active clan, both in game and on the forums. Having been in servers with various members of the clan, I thought that they seemed to be friendly and hospitable.

About Me:

In real life, I'm 15 years old and I live in Scotland. I attend secondary school, and eventually plan to attend university to study something vaguely related to biology/chemistry (I've not decided exactly what yet) becuase these subjects interest me greatly, since I'm some kind of nerd. To this effect, I'd consider myself to be reasonably intelligent (relative to my peers at school, at least), without wanting to blow my own trumpet too much. When I'm not doing school related things, I mainly play video games, read books or watch TV. Besides Toribash, I like to play games such as Civ5, various indie titles, Overwatch et cetera. I also enjoy playing chess, although I'm pretty shit to be honest. I have a limited interest of sports also, and will watch pretty much any sport that's on TV, although mostly football (soccer).

Why I Should Join the Clan:

I believe that I would bring a few qualities to this clan. Unfortunately, I'm not at all artistic or any good at sparring/parkour. However, qualities I do have are that I can be extremely active, and I have reasonable skill in aikido, which is useful for wars. I have also noticed, from your clan thread, that you are currently pushing for new, quality members who will not just leave for the sake of it, and I fit that bill nicely.

Former Clans:

I have been in quite a few clans, but none recently, due to inactivity, and so I might miss one or two. These clans include:
(Menace): My first clan I joined when I was merely a yellow belt. I eventually left because I wasn't too fond of the leader.
(Flip): I eventually left this clan because of disagreements with other members, before it eventually shed a large portion of its members and faded into inactivity.
(Bomb): A clan I have extremely fond memories of, which I believe I left because it began to die, but I cannot remember clearly.
(le): I left this clan due to inactivity I think.
(ne): I was a member of this clan until it merged with Crooks, which is when I became inactive.
I have also been in one or two other clans, which I founded with friends, but which died within a few days, and aren't noteworthy enough to be added to the list (and I can't remember their names).


Unfortunately, I don't have any saved replays to share, but if you want to chat to me, see if I'm any good or whatever, you can usually find me in game. Since I live in Scotland my timezone is British Summer Time, which is +1, and in the winter GMT(+0). On weekdays, I'm usually on at 5 or 6pm until however late I feel like, and on weekends, when I'm online varies, but I'm usually on at night time (afternoon time for Americans). My Skype is darkemberthegreat.

Last edited by DarkEmber; Jun 10, 2017 at 12:41 AM. Reason: As per the request of Mafia, I'm polishing my app up slightly.

Who are you as a person?
I am a 17 year old, and I like to play games on my free time.
I have no job atm, looking for one. I play toribash mostly but I also love many other games. I love to make new friends. I am learning how to do Computer Technician Services. And I don't consider myself being good at it. I just love to have fun

Who are you in Toribash?
I am a 4th Dan Black Belt. I don't consider myself good, for I am not the judge of that. I am a chill laid back person. And I try not to be rude at all times. For I think that it is just a game, and nothing to get mad about. I found toribash in 2014 when it came out on steam for free, and I fell in love with the game. And when I first started I was trash, but through the years I think I've improved. I like everything except one thing, trash talkers/minges. I cant tolerate it. I have been infracted once because of no Clan Story, But it was just a warning.

Other than Toribash, what other skills do you have?
I can ride a dirt bike pretty well. I love to do art. I know a little bit of Computer tech. I can remove viruses, that's really it. But I do want to learn how to do more than remove viruses. I also play games really well, I own a ps4. On it I really just play World Of Tanks. I can also do a little bit of carpentry, atm I am helping my dad build a building to store things. I do know a little bit of mechanic/machinery, I help my dad do many things. I don't really have talent, no voice. I'm just a kindhearted ready to help person.

If you have more to share which weren't asked above, Feel free to.
I have a family of four, I am unfortunately the youngest. But I consider myself smart. I am Christian and loves to go to Church. I will be 18 in March 2018. I cant wait, I will get my job. I do have many dreams/wishes, I would like to be a mechanic if possible. I can withstand a lot of pain, so working on cars would suit me pretty well. I game on my free time, other than taking naps this is what I do. I go to school at Marshall, hopefully be getting a college fund. I cant wait for my graduation, I have some really funny things to say as my speech. When I graduate, I hope I can get a college degree for a technician as for that is my dream job.
But at the same time I would love to ride dirtbikes and possibly get to the championships. I also hope to host an event for toribash, that or be in the #1 clan.

Clans I have been in?
[Godly]: My first clan to ever be in. It was a great clan lead by great leaders. I was a noob in this clan. But the leaders taught me to play. That's why this clan will always have a spot in my heart.
[Monstru]: This clan never really got big, although its highest rank was 27. I loved this clan. It was ran by a leader named Moldyrobot. This clan aswell has a spot in my heart.
[Prodigy]:This was my clan along with 2 others This clan got Big back then, I loved this clan. It went through some harsh times, as for it was a war clan.
[Nitro]: I was in this clan for a while, when the leaders were skywhale, and DJMC, and Day. I loved this clan, its highest rank was #2 if I remember correctly.
[Vamp]: I was a co owner of this clan, the leader was moldyrobot also, until he left. then I got ownership. I loved this clan. It got big and its highest rank was #6.
[Paradox]: This clan didn't survive long, nothing really went along with this clan. I was only in it for about 3 days then it died.
[Predator]: My clan, it was for friends, it never got big. Crow was a leader of it too, but it only lasted for about 4 weeks, then everyone left.

Why I want to join Chivalry?
I have a vibe about Chivalry, I know some people in it.
I really like the clan centrally. The clan I feel suits me and I love the way it is lead by great people, and I want to make more friends with Chivalry. And maybe I could be of use to it.

Sorry I don't have any replays.
Last edited by Lake; Jun 18, 2017 at 01:36 AM.
Pm for reason
Last edited by Mafi; Jun 22, 2017 at 03:15 AM.
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.
Hi, my name is Justin, and I'd like to join the clan. I've played since 2014. I've been inactive for about a year, so I'd like to play again. I've been playing about every day for about 2 hours this past week. My favorite mods are aikidobigdojo and aikido. I'm moderate at some other mods, too, like mushu.
Some facts about me:
My name is Justin, I'm 11 and I live in North Carolina. I've been performing magic for 3 years. I just got out of 5th grade, and I'm about to go to 6th grade. I'm very ecstatic, because I had a poor school in 3rd - 5th grade. I have about 5 jobs I want to do. Engineering, mechanic, astronomer, lawyer, and a scientist. I am academically gifted in math, and I'm a level Z in reading. I was looking for a clan, after three of my clans failed miserably, and I found chivalry, recruiting. I go outside at least 4 hours a day if I can. I think I should join the clan because I think I'll have an impact for wars, and I can help the team at least a little bit. I don;t have many replays unfortunately, but I do spar and parkour, even though I'm not too good at it.
Originally Posted by Mafia View Post
Under discussion

Earlier I asked to close the app, changed my mind, family issues. Please continue the discussion about me joining, id love to join. Thank you.
Salutations all. I've spent a little while looking around for a clan to apply for and you guys seem like a great little set of people so here I am. Onwards with the application:

Who are you as a person?
- I am 17 years old, hailing (literally) from the UK. I don't do an awful lot in my free time besides sit about on games, code shit, and occasionally hit the courts and play some basketball. Ooh, I'm also learning guitar as well, have been for about a month now. I still suck ass though Not that it's a given since I play guitar but I am also a metal-head. Finally, I'm an ex- Semi-Pro Counter Strike player. I have been to multiple LAN events around the UK with my old team and built up some good team skills and leadership throughout.

Who are you in Toribash?
- Well I started a few years back on an account I got to Black belt or Second Dan on but I can't remember the login or the name in fact so I made this new one earlier this year.
I was first introduced to the game by one of my friends who's now practically a custom belt. He taught me a little bit at the start of the game and then I figured out the missing skills on my own which in his words gives me a really awkward play-style. But if it works, fuck it. I don't dislike much about toribash to be quite honest. There's nothing I can really get upset about because it would be illogical to expect such a thing and I think they do a good job of keeping it up. If anything, I would probably change it so that if you were fighting someone and they rage quit you still get the win credit for it, because that always sucks but oh well. My favourite things were back when I used to play, taekkyon and erthtk. It seems that since then those mods have dropped out of the limelight somewhat. Which makes me a very sad Shark indeed.

Skills outside TB:
- As prior mentioned, I play a little bit of Guitar, mix my own music on the pc, have a decent bit of experience and knowledge on animation and also do some texturing. (not really for Toribash but mostly other games like Counter Strike -

I also run a youtube channel ( nothing huge ) with one of my other friends where we just piss about on games. Although I caution you, it's not for the faint of hearted; there's a lot of dark humour in there.

Why do you want to join Chivalry and what can I help you with?
- I would like to join Chivalry because I'm desperately in need of meeting some new people and you guys seem like you'd be really fun to hang around with. I also feel like you guys could push me to become a better player too. What I can offer to you guys; Good taste in music, and good music suggestions stemming from that. Light-hearted sense of humour to shed light in the darkest situations. A good team spirit, given my time spent playing semi-professional CS:GO. Also some basic animation and editing abilities which might come into play at some point.

I'm afraid I don't really do replays, but here's one I could find. If you'd like a couple more, let me know and I'll create some and get back to you on it in a little while.

Thank you for your time,

Last edited by Sharkasm; Jul 2, 2017 at 05:03 PM.