Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by WuTangLee View Post
I dont think that schol stinks, its a home for nerds, etc..school is ok in my oppinion

School is where I got my gf
My school is dirty and filled with jerks and people that make up their own school gangs "Transformers!?!?!?!?!" and "R.C.Q."
No one dies a virgin, life screws us all.
My awesome Camo Shop.
most people are saying that the only decent bit is being with friends, but our teachers spend the moajority of the time studying who is friends and making them sit on oppisite sides of the class together, and that it always most of the lesson time...every lesson....
Something about busses:D
Originally Posted by CazRules View Post
most people are saying that the only decent bit is being with friends, but our teachers spend the moajority of the time studying who is friends and making them sit on oppisite sides of the class together, and that it always most of the lesson time...every lesson....

our one language teacher sends all the people who talk to one side of the class which is fucking stupid as then we all talk.
but schools not bad you make it more interesting like our class put 5 people in counseling and 3 left school and this 1 girl started crying 3 minutes after she came to our class and that was all in half a year.
also its fun to walk around in your socks but remember dont just leave your shoes lying around cuase when everyone starts doing it people hide shoes or my favourite tie them to things.
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