Originally Posted by alexisjp View Post
But i dont know express what ?

To express yourself with nobody arguing about your opinions and thoughts.
After all they're Your ideas.. Wouldn't be cool to get arrested for saying the world is going to Hell


there should be freedom of speech,but also freedom of reaction...there should be freedom..
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^ Sadly - Nobody will ever have true, complete freedom.
Freedom of reaction would be a bad idea - Imagine someone killing another person because they screamed and say in court "It was just my reaction"


Everyone should have the right to express whatever feelings they may have. Whether it be a racial slur, a hateful comment, a much deserved praise, discontent (or otherwise), rebuke against the government, rude advertisements, abhorrent newspaper articles or racist letters. The government shouldn't be able to tell us what we can and can't think or say, as that is a restriction of natural rights and all that.

Acting on hateful thoughts in a way that is harmful to others is different.
Omnia Mori
sed Evici Amor
Originally Posted by ad3556 View Post
If the government did something you really hated like ban non-reproductive sex, wouldn't you wanna do something they dislike to make them change that rule? so you should be able to express your feelings by doing that.

Avoiding what I asked in my last post.
But do something they don't like because they did something I don't like? That seems like a roundabout way to solve a problem.

Originally Posted by wefyb2 View Post
No point in an insult whe silence can be kept. And anyway, I could go out on the streets yelling anything I wanted, but I don't because I have JUDGEMENT. Judgement is the key here, not limits.

I agree up until this point. Not everyone has the same judgement, that can even be seen within toribash. How do we account for those with more lenient judgement? Stricter judgement?

Originally Posted by Thorn View Post
that is a restriction of natural rights and all that.

Acting on hateful thoughts in a way that is harmful to others is different.

Basing things off natural rights holds no ground if you cannot justify the natural rights. Argument invalid.
I don't want to turn this into a discussion about whether or not natural rights exist, so I'll just say that everything before that part of your post was golden.

Yes, acting on views and opinions is different, but again, where do we draw the line? Do you mean strictly physical harm? Emotional damage? Psychological pain?
How do we distinguish when somebody has crossed that line? And how do we prevent others from having to go through the same thing?
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
Freedom of speech was originally made so you can speak out and give your opinions on the government, and how your country was being ruled. Not so you can go inside a movie theatre and scream "Fire!!!." There are still punishments for hate crimes and etc. and thats the way it should be.
This guy was once a GameMaster
Originally Posted by Tekro View Post
Freedom of reaction would be a bad idea - Imagine someone killing another person because they screamed and say in court "It was just my reaction"

In truth this already happen everyday in the world(and,except for some "oligarchs",no one can say to be really free).The difference is just that now someone else will avenge you(the judges) most of the cases(at least in occident)

The problem isn't the "tool"(in this case the freedom),but how men use it
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Originally Posted by AikidoKP View Post
How far are you willing to let it go?
Should there be limits on what people can say?

Racist remarks, threats, verbal assault, or even moving into more widely interpreted situations such as burning a cross, various hand signs, or any other form of "speech" that may be considered offensive and possibly damaging to an individual. Should all of this go unpunished?

Is our government given right to speak freely the right thing to do, or should there be stricter punishments for speaking out about your views?

-On the other side-

Is there too much restriction?
Should we be allowed to display our views in any way we choose?

Should the consequences for crossing the line now be scaled back or abolished altogether?

I think there is too much leway I mean it doesn't happen alot but people will throw out a rasisct slur and yea people get all like "OMG I CAN'T BELIVE HE SAID THAT!" Then all they do is apologize and its the end of it... most people don't care but I think hes never really sorry I mean if you said it you ment to say I think there should be some type of punishment but not like jail time thats absurd... I also guess it depends on the situation at hand too.
But in all reality... I think I might be insane...
Originally Posted by bRuCiA View Post
In truth this already happen everyday in the world(and,except for some "oligarchs",no one can say to be really free).The difference is just that now someone else will avenge you(the judges) most of the cases(at least in occident)

The problem isn't the "tool"(in this case the freedom),but how men use it

Yes - Nowadays it's called "Self-Defense"
