Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Well, thats what they did in my old clan, they post formal apps, we thought about them, moderated them AND THEN we'd invite them if they were worthy...
Originally Posted by coloo View Post
Well, thats what they did in my old clan, they post formal apps, we thought about them, moderated them AND THEN we'd invite them if they were worthy...

Yes, no where anywhere do we say not to post an application, We just most likely will not invite you into the clan unless you are well liked by members or deserve it for some other reason (:
Proud Ex-Leader of VorteX
I'll be inactive.. Just this...Reasons? This game is turning boring,annoying, and things like this...

Mabye a little active in forums...

Obs: Just don't care about it im sure im back in at least 1 month
Obs 2:Grammar sucks
Obs 3: Cya for now
Also: TOday is the last day im gonna be active so Enjoy
Last edited by Reaper277; Jul 27, 2010 at 08:39 PM.
im making a fail game i started today but its even hard then i tough....

Last edited by Reaper277; Jul 28, 2010 at 02:23 AM.
hey guys i dont know if you remember but i spammed the hell out of your dsc a while back and i feel really bad so i was wondering if there was anything i could do for you guys so youd forgive me ps: im creepyman and im dalanimilbuses bro and i am truely REALY REALY SORRY thanks and once agian im sorry

Belt: 3rd dan black belt

Time zone: Pacific but moving in a few days so eastern

Best mods: Aikido and Lenshu

Username: Laydown

Reason to join: I left piratez to look around in the other clans and VorteX caught my eye and Devilcard/My Cousin invited me.