You'll only get the piss taken out of you if you are a dork.
You can be intelligent without being a dork.

There can also be people who think they are somehow better than everyone else because they think that they are intelligent (half of this thread).
Newsflash: people hate that.

I went to a school that was the most over-subscribed school in the UK, only 180 would get in out of the 1600 odd that applied.
There were a lot of stuck up pricks there that looked down on me as if I were scum, some sort of retard that cannot even communicate with them.

If you're smart, no need to brag and be a dick about it.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
I wasn't bullied for being smart I was always bullied for being a complete social wierdo.

Normally it works both ways.
Some of the more athletic guys tell me to run a mile(I'm fat)
I tell them to do my pre-Cal homework and then we've managed to break even.
So nerds (like myself) are just as bad about bullying as anyone else, but we're just a bit more secretive about it..
Last edited by a_coathanger; Oct 11, 2009 at 05:52 PM.
Originally Posted by a_coathanger View Post
I hate when people measure intelligence by grades, and half the people cheat on homework and test. Then the teachers believe we're not challenged and then and the cycle repeats. I've met straight A students who had no clue who Winston Churchill or Stalin was.

Who is Winston Churchill?

No, just kidding. I completely agree with you. There are some straight-A students with serious gaps in their education.
yungmoney has just robbed your bank account for 18 toricredits
I'm an intelligent person, and I wouldn't say I get ridiculed, but sometimes I take it offensively. For example, pretty much anyone in my science classes just use me to copy or whatever, which usually ends up with me making them look like a retard in the front of the class and them leaving. But seriously, in today's society, being smart is considered "bad" and "different"

Only the stupid people get to be cool apparently.

Also, I want to also say that grades have nothing to do with intelligence.
Originally Posted by Megadoomer View Post
I'm an intelligent person, and I wouldn't say I get ridiculed, but sometimes I take it offensively. For example, pretty much anyone in my science classes just use me to copy or whatever, which usually ends up with me making them look like a retard in the front of the class and them leaving. But seriously, in today's society, being smart is considered "bad" and "different"

Only the stupid people get to be cool apparently.

Also, I want to also say that grades have nothing to do with intelligence.

Yes, they do.
If you're intelligent enough to sit down and so some work and revision, you will get good grades.
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> nearly 3 hours of nobody saying a word
[02:19] * Tamer0 is now known as TamerAfk
[02:19] <Dr_Strangelove> gg toribash
[02:19] <+hampa> gg
Well, they do have something, if not most of it, but I would not base intelligence off of grades, should have reworded that.
I do have to throw something out here. I don't know about anyone else, but I don't play into the popularity crisis like most of the world does. In my honest opinion, smoking, drinking, and what not just makes you look less appealing to engage in conversation with. Honestly, I don't want to speak to a babbling idiot, who's so full of himself because he or she is either A) a smooth talker, or B) a handsome man, or woman.
Well, now that that's been said, I also wonder why anyone really cares whether or not anyone else could call them cool. Really, the only thing that matters about someone is how much you can trust them, and how reliable they are. That's what makes a good friend, and that's how you can escape high school.
Maybe I'm just strange, but... I don't understand these things.
Myself, I'll admit I'm a bit of a jock, but I'm not as into as everyone else. On the other hand, I feel that I'm intelligent, but I'm no genius. And so, maybe that is where my lack of understanding comes from. I have never had to claim allegiance to any group in high school, although I was bullied in elementary school until I grew to be stronger than most of the people that bullied me.
Last edited by guitarookid; Oct 13, 2009 at 01:58 AM.
Being intelligent doesn't mean they can call you a dork, nerd, geek, or whatever. Basically anybody can be real smart, good in sports, and handsome at the same time. Such as me, I'm smart (sort of genius) and pretty good in sports, I'm just not sure if I'm handsome though, maybe cute. They're pretty jealous because most jocks are only good in sports, and haggle on the girls and stuff. I'm not a jock, but as far as I know, most people that bully other geeks/nerds/dorks, have nothing better to do in life. They basically want to hurt those that are smaller and weaker than them. They rarely take on the ones their size.

Though I'm not really big, I just don't mind them nerds and such. Most students in my class ask for my homework and they just copy it from me, though I don't mind, it's their problem if they get suspected. Intelligence is considered different from others because intelligence is a talent which not everyone can accomplish.

Let's say math, not too many students are good in math, some claim that they're smart at it is because they get passing grades, like you get 15/30 in a quiz or test. This is not considered intelligent at a certain matter, since it was half the score you got. It's not about memorizing the formulas and such, it's just practice different problems over and over until you master it. Heh.
master of the universe
I guess when I was back in elementary school, being smart was actually an advantage. Being able to ace all the tests and do homework in five minutes made friendship more profitable than bullying. Sure, I wasn't the coolest person, but that was more due to a lack of social skills. Being smart gave me an in to both the "cool" and "luser" groups. The most important part was building social skills, so nobody would have a reason to rip on me.
Need help with anything? Have a question? PM me! I'll try my best to help you.
People undarstand intelligent people wrong. Intelligent guy dosint mean to have high qi ar fast thinking. Intelligence is logic and how u undartand stuff no mater it's fast or slow thinking. I undarstand stuff difrently than most of world people. My frends undarstand difrent me cuz i don't rly show my real face. I am not in any groups like geeks or bullys. My frends think that i am smart and no bullys mesing with me cuz they know what i can do and what i train in gym. I has respect from frends but my desire to my alone makes me strange and maybe can make me madman from other person eyes.
Last edited by Rj; Oct 13, 2009 at 04:47 PM.