thanks frat57
i will be the greatest tori SOMEDAY becuse I AM AHM
and then I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN muahahahahha 'X)
hey guys i have an idea how about every 3 or 2 weeks we make a quize(poll)
and the ones that have awnserd right get 400/500 TC each?

useless double post
Last edited by blaj; Dec 28, 2008 at 08:02 PM.
i will be the greatest tori SOMEDAY becuse I AM AHM
and then I WILL TAKE YOU DOWN muahahahahha 'X)
lol, taxes ftw, ill send mine later, PM me if i forget. im realy busy atm

lol fogle still doing the taxes thing
[200] QI until 10th dan black
5 year vet of Toribash!
i am donating 50% of my tc to the bank cause of the new year, so here is 241 tc
well, the clan thanks you frat57, u are that much closer to ur head texture =P. once we get 20000 in there, u get a head texture, after that, AHM gets on =)