Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Most of you know I'm anti-war, but I've come to a conclusion. When it comes to invading a country, shit or get off the pot. America has been in the middle east for almost a decade and they've achieved absolutely nothing. If they really wanted to get rid of the terrorists in Iraq, they'd just lock down the entire area and disarm the populace. Afghanistan is a bit more tricky. It's mountains, caves, snow and desert. It's a hell hole. I say leave it alone, let the Taliban go back to selling their opium and lock down the areas around it.
Of course, this will never happen because America always has to be the good guys, even if that means doing absolutely nothing and losing hundreds of thousands of soldiers.
Seriously though, I don't understand why you people whine and bitch about something that cannot be changed.
War is in our nature.
People fight meaninglessly, politicians are corrupt, and the world turns.
Originally Posted by isaac View Post
Animals wage war too, for shit and stuff like we do.... So we're animals.

Humans are the only animals who wage war. Animals kill for survival. They do it for food. We do it for profit or out of hatred. We do not eat our defeated opponents.
To address a few things...

1) America has only lost 1 war- the Vietnamese War. Other wars that people think we lost because we pulled our troops out prematurely were either draws or we "won" (most likely because the war was to prevent the spread of communism during and after the cold war)

2) Nuclear war is a threat but not that much of one. Sure if one country decided to be stupid and drop a nuke they will be decimated by nukes then their allies will respond. But, that won't happen because they aren't THAT stupid. The nuke crisis has been passed from: USA - Russia to India - Iran to Pakistan - Israel. Pakistan has nukes, but Israel is backed by the US, and we have around 500 nukes. We will make it rain.

3) I am predicting we will replace oil with natural gas in the near future. There is so much natural gas in the soil it will power the world for hundreds of years. The only problem is piping it, because it cannot be converted to liquid form. As soon as we do that, the middle east won't have any hold on the US.

It's more complicated than that. The US government is not one writhing mass following the same game plan, it's more like thousands of leaders, both minor and major, following their own agendas in the background while seeming united on very important things to the country.


5)lol @ hucks video
Originally Posted by steve View Post
Seriously though, I don't understand why you people whine and bitch about something that cannot be changed.
War is in our nature.
People fight meaninglessly, politicians are corrupt, and the world turns.

Well, because if you take that attitude all the time than no positive progress is made. All of the advancements and advantages of war could be possible without it, and even if that never happens its no reason to not strive for it.

Hope for the best, expect the worst.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Originally Posted by Galt View Post
America is the greatest country in the world. The only people who disagree with that are disgruntled members of the shittier countries (Australia much).
As for war, yeah, it provides technological advancements. Shit doesn't happen without war.

Originally Posted by Galt View Post
I care about rednecks why? Poor people in America are lazy people.

Because the Taj Mahal was a technological advancement and modern surgery techniques weren't. Hurp derp.

Then go to another country. Perhaps communist Australia or the middle east sand countries and their fucked up legal system. See how much you like that compared to America.

Please shut the fuck up. People like you are giving my country a bad name and I'm sick of it. You are arrogant, and blatantly wrong. Poor people aren't necessarily lazy, they could be injured, black, women, or any disadvantaged group. Australia isn't communist, communism isn't a bad thing either.

Also, "middle east sand countries." Wow.
i have a totally post modern tattoo of a scalene triangle.
<DeadorK> fair maiden
<DeadorK> if the cum is going to be in your mouth
<DeadorK> it shall be in mine as well
Originally Posted by Galt View Post
America is the greatest country in the world. The only people who disagree with that are disgruntled members of the shittier countries (Australia much).
As for war, yeah, it provides technological advancements. Shit doesn't happen without war.

socialist Europe says hi.
Originally Posted by Infern0o View Post
To address a few things...

1) America has only lost 1 war- the Vietnamese War. Other wars that people think we lost because we pulled our troops out prematurely were either draws or we "won" (most likely because the war was to prevent the spread of communism during and after the cold war)

The only wars that America 'wins' are the ones that have had most of the fighting done by other countries. Vietnam, which was pretty much all America, and both Gulf wars have been entirely pointless.