Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by SakaiIchiiro View Post
Yeah, that's my opinion too. As long as they are sure that they want to do what they are actually doing, then it's fine. But that doesn't mean that it is right, just fine. As i said, we have more important stuff to worry about outside the web.

You don't understand me. "important stuff" is objective. "right" is objective. Someone's whole life could be their computer and looking at cat pictures. And that wouldn't be wrong. Just as long as they are doing it for them and they get some sort of fulfillment out of it.
League of Legends NA: Locus
Originally Posted by chaossook View Post
You don't understand me. "important stuff" is objective. "right" is objective. Someone's whole life could be their computer and looking at cat pictures. And that wouldn't be wrong. Just as long as they are doing it for them and they get some sort of fulfillment out of it.

Yeah, i do understand you. You are the one who doesn't get what i'm saying. Well, sorry for my bad speak, if that's it, because i don't really study english, and have never tried to study it at all. So, i'll try to make this as easy as i can for you:
You are right. It's not wrong to do whatever you feel good to do. You CAN live that way but you SHOULDN'T.
This is clear as hell. I got it, what is important to me maybe isn't important for other people, but that doesn't mean that they are totally right. As i said before, sure you can spent your whole life looking at (mint)cat pictures, but deep inside, EVERYONE knows that this "good" way to live isn't a healthy way to live in this world. (Mint)cat pictures don't bring you money, without money you don't eat, and don't do anything at all. Someone who doesn't have money, who can't even keep himself feed, who doesn't have a home at all, these people JUST DON'T GIVE A SHIT to this stupid "fulfillment" thing, because they understand it. You're still right tho, people should do what they want to, but EVERYONE knows that most of people just want the EASY, and what is easy isn't good at all. So, see this guy that sit on the computer and stalk kittens every day? He know it. Deep in his heart he know he could be doing something better now. He know that "some sort of fulfillment" means nothing when you have all you need to study the shit out of this life and get rich as hell to seek real fulfillment with real fun and a real healthy and comfortable way to live. And that's why you're still right. Because people is dumb. People want the easy way.
Hope you got it now, i'm not gonna draw it for you. :3
Last edited by SakaiIchiiro; Mar 19, 2015 at 02:32 AM.
You still don't understand me. I think that being homeless and not eating is fine provided you get some fulfillment out of what you are doing. Some homeless people are happier than billionaires. It's all subjective. This is getting away from the topic at hand though.
Last edited by Ele; Mar 20, 2015 at 07:16 AM.
League of Legends NA: Locus
It should never truly matter to you what someone else does with their owned goods. If you use the internet to your own advantage, money-wise, distribution-wise, networking wise, great! Good on you, and everyone else that does it.

But that's not to say the thirteen year old girl watching netflix every night is wrong. She's using the internet at her own will for her own needs and that's that.
Originally Posted by chaossook View Post
You still don't understand me. I think that being homeless and not eating is fine provided you get some fulfillment out of what you are doing. Some homeless people are happier than billionaires. It's all subjective. This is getting away from the topic at hand though.

uh, I think your beliefs are wrong

what's the point of happiness of one, it's just lying to yourself
sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word) pretty much

I suggest you maybe watch a video on irl person like you talked about

she's kinda cool, but she's not protecting herself in career or her health and her boyfriend is like , well, I'd totally not bang him. ever.

so yea, I'll agree to disagree on the worth of happiness. It's definitely not worth very much in my book. I'd rather pick money, knowledge, the ride of life over happiness w/o that
Originally Posted by Peter View Post
It should never truly matter to you what someone else does with their owned goods. If you use the internet to your own advantage, money-wise, distribution-wise, networking wise, great! Good on you, and everyone else that does it.

But that's not to say the thirteen year old girl watching netflix every night is wrong. She's using the internet at her own will for her own needs and that's that.

"If you use the internet to your own advantage, money-wise, distribution-wise, networking wise, great! Good on you, and everyone else that does it. "

Word. I guess it's solved. Yea, that's pretty accurate.
Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS View Post
Or maybe you want to prove that browsing cat pictures is actually beneficial (how?).

One form of entertainment is here offered to the user.

It's a tool, a tool that can be used however the clients want it to be, from setting up servers to accessing servers. What then are stored on these servers could be anything that these users want it to be.

It's a tool that can be used in a wide variety of ways; from stealing money in the deep web from people who are way in over their head, commit fraud and crime, watch some sort of entertainment videos, access music and access information beyond using it as a communication relay.

Now, browsing cat images is no different from going over cat pictures from last years cat-exhibition, or looking at pictures of your neighbors cat. The difference is the opportunity to do so and the sheer amount of images available to you as some users have set up communication-links that allows you to access pictures of cats from all over the world, and this tool is right at your fingertips. What could have taken a lifetime to accumulate takes minutes.

This goes for everything from the internet, just because information is available in one form does not mean it's actually valued the same way as for example a lecture in mechanical science, as there you could ask the questions directly to the lecturer, and if you don't get the answer to your question on the first go-around, this person also happens to be educated to handle your questions through having studied pedagogic methods and hopefully having a immense knowledge-pool within the subject at hand.

Now, the internet being a tool means it can be used however its users want it to be used. It's no difference in committing fraud on papers than it is on a server as you edit something you are not allowed to edit in the first place, and until the world realizes this fact we are in a limbo state where we don't handle the opportunity given with enough care compared to the imminent risks at hand for using it.

EDIT: And for some reason people hand out information about themselves on the internet that they don't wanna share with their neighbors... Talking about not understanding risk versus gain.
Now doing recoloring for people not in the clan as-well, PM for more info!
The problem with choosing knowledge and respect is that the value of knowledge and criteria for being respected differ drastically between cultures whereas in general happiness is universally valued on a personal level. It is the natural reward for the human mind biologically whereas money is a concept an knowledge is just another tool. I'm a world where knowledge (of the type I think you were referencing) is becoming ever more easy to access it might not be such a valuable pursuit as you think. Whereas happiness is internal and although access to it is variable the usefulness and about to complete its purpose doesn't change since it fulfills itself.

But sure, money is fun too I guess.
Good morning sweet princess
Originally Posted by chaossook View Post
You still don't understand me. I think that being homeless and not eating is fine provided you get some fulfillment out of what you are doing. Some homeless people are happier than billionaires. It's all subjective. This is getting away from the topic at hand though.

I don't mean to stray away from the topic either but I can really relate to this post.

I've been homeless while struggling with major depression at the same time and this is honestly very right IMO. I wasn't happy, but I've been a lot less happy in situations where I was considered wealthy.
Last edited by Aracoon; Mar 26, 2015 at 11:59 PM.
Yeah, I just wanted to point out that what is considered to be "optimal" for some isn't going to be "optimal" for others.
League of Legends NA: Locus