not aimin for quitty im going for 20k donation bebe!!!! or 15 idk cuz im bored pl0x :3

P.S this 15k is just for fun
oh yea thx for your post guys!
Last edited by bazoozo; Jun 30, 2011 at 03:05 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Baz accepted
Sending invite
"We always define who we are through our actions"

Wanna know something?

i just had the worst homwork, link, i have to write the whole summary of ibong adarna
Name: Sirss
Age: 12
Best Mods: Aikido, AikidoBigDojo, Judo, Jousting
Belt(Min Black) : 3rd dan
Why you want to join: hmmm, cause the leader is my friend... and i know him since we are in demon clan
Can you PWN: i don't understand about PWN
What is your GMT: (Example GTM +2) +7
Do you have 50+ postsyes/no) yes
Do you have skype: (Yes, e-mail/No) yes, [email protected]
Do you have xfire: (Yes,username/No) no
Do you have specialties: (Yes,specialties/No) i think so, but i don't know what is my specialties
Link, don't accept Sirss, he is a clan hopper, he joined like 4 clans in 2 months.
course, my brother played this acc, and i tell him about clan, and he cant stay in one clan