Originally Posted by Hippybob View Post
I think we may need to start a global rule where each family can have 1 kid max ._. I mean it's not like we can just cull people and we can't just let the population get so high ._.

And how do you propose governments enforce this? Punch pregnant women on the street? Kill all illegal children found? Could also put up a clause where only the firstborn gets to live in a family with illegal children. Maybe a parent could let a kid take it's place if they really love it.

Could be cool. Also, the earth CAN sustain everyone if wealth and abundance wasn't immediately stolen.
Last edited by dalir; Feb 21, 2011 at 07:02 PM.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
Originally Posted by C4MP4 View Post
I don't think this would be a very smart idea, this would just mean more abortions and more murdering of children, which would overall end up in a pretty horrid world.
I think that if the situation does get to worst case scenario then most basic rights would be nullified, there could possibly even be a nut job who will come around and attempt to 'bring down the population'. Anyways, there will probably be wars over basic resources and over space, so I honestly hope I am not around when this happens, if it happens

Probably looking through history and the current events that are happening these days,I understand your pessimistic view for our future.Politics has really fucked us,specially the ego of these so called leaders that have led us to kill each other.

As for limiting the amount of babies each family has,I'm all for it.But,their must be practical way to implement it.You're right,their would be an increase in abortions.Furthermore,if we plan on increasing taxes for people who plan on having more babies then that would be unfair too.I don't know a viable way of implementing this idea,but by using something in medicine/biology,cutting the I don't know what...But then,that would be considered immoral,invading of a woman's body,nobody would agree on it.
What could the government do to stop a family from having more babies without enforcing unfair punishment to the family?

I only see two solutions for now,either raising awareness(what a cliche) of this issue so It would be taken seriously.

Or we should really evolve immensely in terms of technology,and try to make earth as efficient as we can without ruining it's environment.In addition,we should try and find another planet to inhibit,if the increase in population continues as such.Also,technologies as Genetic
Engineering,Trans humanism,Cloning...Well,our society will have to accept them fast or we'll be in a big problem.If our state eventually turns into the worst,I can see religion supporting these technology for the best of humanity.
On the other hand,we're living in a modern society which is scientific,and these kind of technologies might get accepted readily,so yeah you never know.

Originally Posted by dalir View Post
And how do you propose governments enforce this? Punch pregnant women on the street? Kill all illegal children found? Could also put up a clause where only the firstborn gets to live in a family with illegal children. Maybe a parent could let a kid take it's place if they really love it.

Could be cool. Also, the earth CAN sustain everyone if wealth and abundance wasn't immediately stolen.

Exactly my point,you beat me to it ;p.
Originally Posted by Beldum View Post
gormin religion wouldn't mater on the food also mookie the Keplar project is also developing inter stellar space travel most likely this will take many years to develop and we will reach around 10 billion people by then but the inter stellar space travel will get us to far away planets in a couple of years
but the question is could it survive some of the other planets that are near the livable ones? the gravity might be very very high and the planets could shift

There's one problem in order to collonise another planet we need to terraform it somehow,and terraforming isn't a simple process.Imagine you have to dramaticly change Earth's climate,it would take decades and thousands of tons of resources,and this is when everything works together.In space you have a shuttle a few people inside it and some instruments not to talk about plantations,wildlife,landscape material I doubt even a milenia is gonna be enough to do all that stuff.
The space shuttles barrely support they'r own weight,when we make some scientifical breaktroughs,increase the maximum capacity,reduce flight time and resource cost then we might atempt doing that until then,lowering the population would be the most racional precausion.
Gingers have no souls!!!
Earth will never be Overpopulated ...
look (Wars, starvation, Nuke bombs, high shop prices, murderers, car accidents, airplane accidents, terrorism) xD
never ever Overpopulated ...
<iRookie>This clan got a lot of epic members, such as missuse and Aj, Pulse and Kaszanas, and I want to be part of them.
Originally Posted by TheVo1D View Post
Well I like the idea of limiting the maximum number of children to 1,but we can't really control that what if they are twins or more? We can't just kill one of them,biggest part of the population would be shocked and probably rise up on a rebelion,that's too inhumane.Maybe countryes with alarming rates population growth should make a few rules,Every family that has more than 1-2 kids Will have to pay 50$ per each child to the goverment.Most of you will say it's only 50$,but it's a fact that poor familiyes tend to have alot of kids.Also if the goverment refuses to introduct these new rules,the other countryes will just stop trades,projects,investments and such things that help the country sustain its population.

Barring the global loss of trades with the overpopulated countries (China/India), it would make sense to place a limit of 1 child. To show it can be done; China. Correct me if I'm wrong, but they already have it. Now I don't know exactly how they're controlling it, but I'm fairly certain that it is in place. No need to tax, it would just tell people that having more than 1 is ok, thus letting them spawn more resource sucking infants.

Originally Posted by Kaszanas View Post
Earth will never be Overpopulated ...
look (Wars, starvation, Nuke bombs, high shop prices, murderers, car accidents, airplane accidents, terrorism) xD
never ever Overpopulated ...

Yes it will.
If what you were saying was true, how would our population have grown over the years? Wars do cut some of the population down, but it isn't long enough to have a lasting effect. Starvation is already here, and our population is still growing.
Nukes would kill everyone.
The rest: already here, population is still on the rise.

I mentioned something about the technology boom coming up, especially with the new wave of labor workers (who are still growing up now), they'll be able to take over the production costs by implementing more efficient tools for work as well as discovering more about genetic engineering. Human, animal, and plant life will have to "evolve" in a specific way now, essentially, it's time we take control of our own evolutionary path. We have the ability, so why not use it?
-- Jet -- Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known. --

Cogito ergo sum. I think therefor I exist.

I know it's true because it says so right here in this signature.
There have been rumors that in about 20 years, we will hit an event known as "The Famine".
The government would oversee all the food in our country, and we would only be allowed to have a maximum of 2 children to keep everything in balance.
Then, if that didn't work, we would take one half of the world, and feed it to the other half.

Again. This is just a rumor.

did i really fucking post this omfg
Last edited by firebolty; Sep 22, 2013 at 08:31 PM.
Originally Posted by firebolty View Post
There have been rumors that in about 20 years, we will hit an event known as "The Famine".
The government would oversee all the food in our country, and we would only be allowed to have a maximum of 2 children to keep everything in balance.
Then, if that didn't work, we would take one half of the world, and feed it to the other half.

Again. This is just a rumor.

are you for real? i don't mean like "wow, that sounds ruff xD" - i mean, why the hell would anyone sane post this?

EDIT: surely you're trolling, right? i'm just misunderstanding, right?!
Last edited by dalir; Feb 21, 2011 at 08:51 PM.
|11:33| »» [shark] so you're saying that you just paid 80 euros for pussy
|11:33| »» [Quit] [x] shark [[email protected]] [Quit:]
I really don't see the point in prolonging our population growth, mostly because Earth will eventually reach it's carrying capacity either way (environment can no longer sustain itself. Lack of food, water, etc), in different areas at least. Overpopulation is the seguay to the decline in resource availability on a global scale - basically more people means a bigger decrease and quicker depletion of nonrenewable resources/enough sustenance to keep people alive. I'd say it's more about the superfluous standard of living in modern countries (*cough* U.S. *cough*) then anything else and our ever-expanding global economy/industrial production. A more efficient partioning of these decreasing resources would be beneficial. /idealism, but yeah, another thing that's been mentioned was possibly new future technology like synthesizing food and water or discovering a new inhabitable planet. It seems quite bleak in my eyes, even with our amazing rate of creating new technology as it is, we cannot depend on it and set our cards at something that could potentially take decades or longer to finally become a reality, especially with Earth's current negative state.
Dalir, You do know how plausible that sounds, It's either we wait and all slowly die of some retarded ass disease that in the evolution right now, or have 1-2 children, or We can feed the other half of the population to the other, and use some of the bodies as fertilizer because we might not be able to grow shit. Or we can get our shit together.

Well, if humanity is super smart. Right now as we speak, we can build an ark, like probably so many civilizations on random parts of the universe have in order to save their race.