If this is a hoax to get more attention, this is working seriously well. If you go to you can view her statistics, and I'm going to tell you that getting a bit less than 900 thousand subscribers in 2 days is almost impossible.
She got almost 1 million subscribers in 24 hours just for people feeling bad for her. What would you do then? Tell them it's all fake and just some conspiracy? No, you would wait until you get so much publicity then tell them all it was just a rumor and they're retarded.
She said it was a misunderstanding by us and shes perfectly fine

That is the most bullshit thing you can say and is obviously a cover up for this huge ass publicity stunt which worked pretty fkn well to say the least.

It really goes to show the lengths people would go to get what they want

inb4 someone claims its ISIS. it's not.