Let's Duel!

whats to say he cant?
Wayne Industries is a major supplier of military goods.

Stark Industries is also the major supplier of military goods in The Marvel Universe.

From the movies
Stark has an energy source that isn't electronic. It's plasma based or something. It has electric components though and seriously? Thor couldn't even short out Iron Mans suit and Thor is a God.

Which is why I don't think an EMP could work. Iron Man would end up absorbing the static shock in the end. Recharging his suit over normal capacity making him so much faster and stronger.

superman is scared of him, and not just of his kryptonite
and iron man cant hold a candle to Hulk, no one can


Superman can shatter the planet in a single shout. I don't think Superman is really afraid of him other than the fact that Batman is so much smarter than Superman, but Intelligence is miniscule up against a man who can boil the oceans, turn the sands to glass, melt the earths ice and eventually push the moon into the Earth. I don't think Batman could stop any of that.

The Hulk can barely pick up Thor's hammer and he has to be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOo pissed to do that. His strength is limitless, but he has to get more angry before he gets any stronger and to piss him off like that I don't even know what you would have to do or say.

Also Sentry, the power of 1000 exploding suns.

i dont think its that simple, if batman could beat bane and block buster, then overcoming the strength difference isnt and issue, and with batmans experience with more intelligence based enemies, his tactics and planning shouldnt be overlooked. he is just a man, and has therefore needed to find ways to do more than a man should be able do.

I don't think Bane or Block Buster can fly up to speeds around Mach 8 and are able to lift 100 tons. Imagine a guy weighing a ton or two flying at Mach 8. That's powerful enough to create a bone shattering vortice and a deafening sound shortly after.

Just asking how fast is Mach 8? Is it 340 mps x 8, 760 mph x 8?

and whos to say his batarang wont work? if he can mod it to be remote controlled, he can mod it to disrupt electronics, or plant a virus for that matter, kill jarvis, and stick to armour, rather than cut it.

I don't think a Batarang could reach speeds up to Mach 8 or something like that. And Jarvis would be on top of that as soon as the Batarang was deployed. And if it does catch on Batman better hope that his Batarang has atleast 100 tons of bonding strength or Iron Man could easily rip it of and crumple it like a piece of paper. Unless it was Adamantium of course.

But, after all that is said, i do agree that iron man would win eventually, i just dont think its as clean cut or straightforward as we would think, he just has too many guns in his arsenal, too many suits.
even without his cap america training and enhanced reflexes, i think in a prolonged battle, he'll pull it out

The only thing that could kill Iron Man is his Brain Cancer other than that, Destiny is what protects him until his Brain Cancer wins.

I'm glad we came to the same conclusion, but by different methods.
Last edited by T0ribush; May 11, 2012 at 09:29 AM.
I don't even know why all of you are argueing over who is better Batman obviously beats the shit out of everyone nuff said.
Iron Man

Super genius play boy billionaire.
Maybe he's not a "self made man" But I'd bet my life and left nut on Iron Man ANY day.
[18:19] <@Noah> we penetrate every orifice with corndogs
Although batman has a cape, he still has to rely on his gadgets every time he is in trouble.

Iron man has lazers, super strength, wide variety of weapons, and can fly.

Batman may have a lot of gadgets and whatnot, but he probably wouldn't bring all of them like tony stark wouldn't bring all his suits.

Plus it seems that ironman could crush the bat-mobile in one smash and batman doesn't have any real super powers to begin with, he's like spiderman but he can't climb walls.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
Do you guys honestly think that just because one character is more powerful than the other he's better?
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
Need to PM a SMod?

Unofficial Skimmer of Discussion!

Fabula Magnus wants more able RPers!
Cataclysm is still alive?


Wiggi must love me forever now.
BatMan has one of the greatest minds that isn't augmented by anything in particular. He also has the money to pay some of the top scientists to create the gadgets he uses. if it came down to it that he got into a scuffle with tony stark, he would have something created and tested that would bring tony's glorified heart monitor offline ultimately ending the fight.

The same thing that give tony his power is also his kryptonite... Batman however doesn't have any weaknesses such as this. I figured i would bring that to light if someone hasn't already. Batman beat superman by using his weakness. Not sure he would keep it honorable with tony.

Batman has the will to get the job done no matter the cost or risk. Even if it means going above the law to do it. That being said, i think someone is about to lose their life and a left nut.
Last edited by Donseluke; May 11, 2012 at 04:55 PM.
<Castra> I'm fingering my butthole right now
<Rainboweye> mocrogunz<Rainboweye> why do you eat smegma ?
Hmm... I'll have to vote Batman on this one.
It seems that no matter what the situation, Batman can come up with some sort of solution because he's as cunning as a fox and has a gadget for just about everything - failing that he'll make one.

Although I'm personally a fan of Iron Man, I think he'd go into battle too cocky (as befits his attitude) and eventually fall because of this and Batman's scheming. Although, if he managed to grab Batman and blast him into space... well then.

In summary, I think it would boil down to a battle of wits rather than a battle of brawn.
Last edited by 4zb41; May 11, 2012 at 05:52 PM.
Iron man.

It really goes down to who plays dirtier and how each of them are affected by it.

For example, Tony Stark can hack into a police database and mark Batman as a wanted man. (Forgot that guy's name)

Iron Man can fake a robbery and lure Batman into a trap where he gets laser'd in the back.

Iron Man can make his own suit and imitate batman by hurting civilians, therefore making Batman a wanted man.

+batman doesn't have a chance in a full-on fight