Re: The [Inquisition] Calls!
I want to see this clan go further, I might think of joining. But I still want to be connected some way to CBK. hlp plx? kthxbai.
EDIT: I know a good tag [Inq]insertnamehere. If I were to join, I would immidiately get the rank of Lord Inqiusitor.
<Hector|Bday> for 3k tc
<Hector|Bday> I sold a photo of shit
Re: The [Inquisition] Calls!
I suggested [Inq], way back up this thread. :o
"We have a saying up here, life is wasted on the living."
Re: The [Inquisition] Calls!
No idea of how to make a clan server. I'll see what I can do, but I've got AP exams this week so my involvement on Toribash will be a bit more passive. I like the [Inq] tag, but I'm leaving the option open to the members what tag they use (Inquisitors are supposed to be autonomous ).

The Emperor Protects!

P.S. The God-Emperor is simply the God-Emperor.

~I refute the conventions of mortal existence. It is much more enjoyable to be a god.~
Re: The [Inquisition] Calls!
Lord_Inquisitor: AP means you're 17~18 right now? In that case, I have to commend you on your level of maturity and ability to change persona to so quickly fit your status.

Clan servers can be made through ToriLaunch. There's a "Server" option, which will open a DOS window, which must be kept open. You'll have to port forward or disable firewall to make that work, however.
Re: The [Inquisition] Calls!
Thank you ManBreakfast. My age is not important to the fulfillment of our aims(you're a little high, though.) Thanks for the tip on the server creation bit; I'll see what I can do.

The Emperor Protects!

~I refute the conventions of mortal existence. It is much more enjoyable to be a god.~
Re: The [Inquisition] Calls!
I've sent you an e-mail sanjop.

Excuse me ManBreakfast, but can we get a poll going for the Inquisition. I'm afraid that not many people will know about us until the poll goes up(propaganda doesn't seem to be working). The sooner the better .

The Emperor Protects!

Thought for the Day:
Be wary that in the course of combating heresy that you do not become as those you are meant to destroy.

~I refute the conventions of mortal existence. It is much more enjoyable to be a god.~