Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I can halp with the event team. though i'll be an eXtra member So if you need 5 members i can be a 6th member that just helps with some little details.
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Free textures
Yup, i will start putting the group together eventually.

Edit: Also stickied this.
Last edited by Doxxy; Feb 2, 2011 at 04:44 AM.
So the ranks are redone. Now if you think you deserve a different rank, calm down, just tell me why you should be, and we will work it out. The ranks are still in the rough stage, but those are the new ones. Enjoy.
hi i'm really over-confident and greedy

I think I should have a higher rank, considering that I was the leader for a short period in time, which should at least get me above the lowest rank, if that makes sense. I understand that I was a terrible leader, and that I didn't do anything at all, so I'm not saying I deserve leader, because I don't. I'm also in the process of making a set, just to prove that I'm not inactive artistically, and I'm taking up photography if you want to check my thread in the art section, as well as the fact that I could fill up the ocean with all of my traditional art that I'm too lazy to take pictures of and upload onto here.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
I gave ranks out according to who does art, and who is active. You weren't a bad leader, just inactive.

If you promise to KEEP active, then you will receive a higher rank.