Originally Posted by SecondSoul View Post
that's ur perspective >.>

Well it wasn't that bad acutally, but all that vampire etc stuff was just confusing. I didn't liked that there was only black and white color it made me sick actually.

I don't remember too much. I remember the scene in wich she was jumping down the bulding, that fight in canals(sues) and when she was in that place with all that chemic stuff. I watched it when I was very young tho.
Last edited by Danvari; Dec 25, 2008 at 02:12 AM.
I watched it when I was six or something like that. I remember that it was quite dark film. I don't remember too much. I remember the scene in wich she was jumping down the bulding, that fight in canals(sues) and when she was in that place with all that chemic stuff. I watched it when I was very young tho.

Originally Posted by SecondSoul View Post
it wasn't black and white. All that is lies, u out >.>

I don't remember if it was black and white, but it was dark. I watched it the year which it came out, my brother downloaded a copy of it and that version wasn't too good.

If you want me out then ok. I wish you good luck on your org, but you need to get better in making ones and don't judge too quick like you did on me. If I'm welcome again. Pm me or something.
Last edited by Danvari; Dec 25, 2008 at 02:25 AM.
Originally Posted by SecondSoul View Post
Making ones? This is my one and only org. Also sexywittsy wanted u out too.

It doesn't matter if he wanted me out if I watched the film. I watched it when I was very young and I said it like 3 times or more. Lear2Judge. Bye
i would like to be in

fav horror = saw 1,2,3 &4

why= because they have a very good storyline, lots of gore and almost always have a twist in them
Good luck with your but you may want to reconsider calling HMO as it sounds a looks like HOMO. Not flaming but dude seriously.
(20:01:05)~veb loves Kenny
im sorry man but he posted like 10 mins after mine with the ezact same movie
Stiil pretty Sexy, No longer Wittsy.
Originally Posted by LtKenny View Post
Good luck with your but you may want to reconsider calling HMO as it sounds a looks like HOMO. Not flaming but dude seriously.

I did that on purpose

Bilza, ur in

Ring 1 and 2 are nice, since right after i watched number 1, the phone rang. I got the worst feeling when i heard my home phone ring, haha.

And i think i have seen Saw 2, or 3......i actually dunno which one but like its the one where the girl has to jump in a bunch of needles, and she gets slaughtered.
Also the part where someone puts their hands up into a ox and razors come out and trap their hands in that box. Its crazy