Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by thesorrow1 View Post
Total anarchy will exist when oil runs out, and some say that peak oil will happen in the next 5-20 years, and when that happens riots will go down for sure.

Or people finally discover BIKES and in 20 years, people will find an alternative method for fuel.

Also remember, There's HUGE oil deposits under Alaska and Russia
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
Originally Posted by thesorrow1 View Post
Total anarchy will exist when oil runs out, and some say that peak oil will happen in the next 5-20 years, and when that happens riots will go down for sure.

Alternative and renewable energy sources beg to differ.

So does the arctic, actually. Craploads of oil we aren't using there.
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Hey look more than two lines.
No your wrong about alternative fuel sources because building a windmill or
most of those things that generate energy require oil to build and at max those renewable sources would only make up for 50%of our oil intake at max,
As for a substitute for oil i have high doubts about that.
Last edited by thesorrow1; Jan 2, 2011 at 03:58 AM.
[Evil][OLDA][wl][pro pot]
Originally Posted by thesorrow1 View Post
No your wrong about alternative fuel sources because building a windmill. What?
most of those things that generate energy require oil to build, Why are you talking like this? If you're saying that you need oil to build a windmill, lololololno. Alternative energy will slowly take over the energy industry, not suddenly switch.
and at max those renewable sources would only make up for 50%of our oil intake at max, At Max. Where did you get that figure? Also it's wrong and makes no sense. Are you saying that we could cover all the continents and oceans with solar panels, windmills, hydro turbines, and still not have 50% of the energy we need? What are you talking about?
As for a substitute for oil i have high doubts about that. Your doubt doesn't affect the existence of something.

So much confusion.
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Hey look more than two lines.
No not really boredpayne, All of what i have stated is based off of what i have read and heard about our current oil situation. Watch the movie "collapse".
Reasons for believing These things is the decline of oil wells found since the 80's to today + the fact that sudia arabia is drilling off the coast now.
[Evil][OLDA][wl][pro pot]
Originally Posted by thesorrow1 View Post
No not really boredpayne, All of what i have stated is based off of what i have read and heard about our current oil situation. Watch the movie "collapse".
Reasons for believing These things is the decline of oil wells found since the 80's to today + the fact that sudia arabia is drilling off the coast now.

....quit pulling numbers and facts out of your ass.

Windmill's energy - are SUPRISE, generated by wind.
Solar panel's energy - again SUPRISE, generated by the sun.
Hydro pumps - water

None of which require oil.

How about back when people used ships as a method for transportation? There was no such thing as oil. Just the fact that the wind hit their sails, and the tide of the water helped too.

I'm sure people will find a way to get Solar energy to work on cars, possibly water and wind.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
I think not. People will band together if this happens. Also, something will replace oil, I think... Something.

Edit: @TheSorrow
I think anarchy would be possible in theory. will it happen? Probably not. People will riot is shit really hits the fan, but total and complete anarchy wont happen (I think so anyway). I mean, since the stone ages humans have worked together and formed communities, so I don't think that that will stop anytime soon. Especially since we are all very used to... well, non-anarchy.
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Originally Posted by thesorrow1 View Post
Total anarchy will exist when oil runs out, and some say that peak oil will happen in the next 5-20 years, and when that happens riots will go down for sure.

Read below
Originally Posted by thesorrow1 View Post
No your wrong about alternative fuel sources because building a windmill or
most of those things that generate energy require oil to build
and at max those renewable sources would only make up for 50%of our oil intake at max,
As for a substitute for oil i have high doubts about that.


Ok... First, EVERYTHING would require oil to build. You're using energy to create a new energy source. It's ALWAYS like that. Second, if we build alternative energy sources, it will decrease our overall consumption of oil, therefore decreasing the risk of running out of oil.

Please tell me you're kidding me. Seriously. I will GUARANTEE you that if we stick a solar panel on every single building, or place an electric windmill generator on every corner of the street, or BOTH, we won't have to be worried about compensating for our current energy use. Besides. Grab a 10 square mile of land and stick generator windmills throughout certain points, and you have enough electricity to power at least 30,000 homes (I assume. It should produce more than 100 Megawatts, at the least, considering it's 10 freaking square miles of land).

Also, think about it. 50% is significant. We are using oil FASTER than it's being created naturally. By decreasing use, we could create an equilibrium between the two, therefore eliminating the factor/chance of us using up all the oil.

YOU may have high doubts, some of us don't.

Light -> Solar Power. Wind -> Wind powered generators. Water -> Hydroelectric Power Plant.

Perhaps someday, they'll figure out how to use gravity to create electricity (I don't know, it could possibly work one day in the future).

You have not explained how we will fall into total anarchy once we run out of our non-renewable resources.
Originally Posted by thesorrow1 View Post
No not really boredpayne, All of what i have stated is based off of what i have read and heard about our current oil situation. Watch the movie "collapse".
Reasons for believing These things is the decline of oil wells found since the 80's to today + the fact that sudia arabia is drilling off the coast now.

"Collapse" is a movie. Just like "2012" is a movie. And also like how "Transformers" is a movie. IT'S NOT A VALID SOURCE.

Just use different forms of electrical generation from different sources.

"sudia" arabia?
Last edited by LastGod; Jan 2, 2011 at 07:41 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
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thats simply foolish
the oil is not going to poof all of a sudden vanish
price is going to go so high that it becomes completely infeasible to use oil long before it runs out.
thinking that we are just going to hit rock bottom is just not right
when opec figures we have 10 years of oil left (or some other point idk) they will begin raising the prices
not this minor stuff we have been seeing recently i mean like way up

when that happens people will get there shit together and find an alternative
its not that the technology isn't there its that noone will develop it until its more cost effective than oil

"You do realize that even the tribes in africa/america/etc. Still have a tribe LEADER"
not the bushmen which is precisely why i chose them
however you are completely correct about american Indians
and they actually did pay taxes, not in the same way we do now, but they did have to give a % of crops etc. to the rulers kings chiefs etc.

@lastgod i love it

oh and i generally when speaking of anarchy i am not referring to a bunch of hooligans doing whatever they want fuck the police style.
mainly because i don't believe that style of life solves any problems
rather i would like to see a truly egalitarian system where people work together not based on rules or laws but because it helps them
and not a them on a personal level but them on a societal level (big picture not little picture)

to do this though would require small groups
going on a hunter gatherer or agricultural system (foodcrop not cashcrop)
Last edited by Orion; Jan 2, 2011 at 09:18 AM.
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