Originally Posted by Dilara View Post
Inspired by my favorite bands and artists I decided to learn guitar. Hopefully I'll find a band I can join. It's gonna be hard though, since everyone in my area is either in a pop band or a metal band. And I'm more of the ska, alternative, indie, bluesrock.

Don't worry about joining. Make 2 really best friends with the same interest as you. Form your own band and eventually trendset around your area. Forewarning though, one's gonna end up becoming a dick, try to leave the band for what he thinks is a better band, you'll meet two other guys to bring into the band, he'll try and ask to come back, you'll agree for old times sake, he'll be very unreliable, you'll kick him out, and then you will want the band to stay as it is and have a really successful show.

But I could be wrong. Only speaking from experience >_>.
Originally Posted by Kilcreed View Post
Don't worry about joining. Make 2 really best friends with the same interest as you. Form your own band and eventually trendset around your area. Forewarning though, one's gonna end up becoming a dick, try to leave the band for what he thinks is a better band, you'll meet two other guys to bring into the band, he'll try and ask to come back, you'll agree for old times sake, he'll be very unreliable, you'll kick him out, and then you will want the band to stay as it is and have a really successful show.

But I could be wrong. Only speaking from experience >_>.

Thanks for the heads-up! Btw, it sounds like a terrific reality TV show.
Originally Posted by boStaff View Post
i make real trap shit

That's where I started. Eventually worked my way over to Electronica, tried my hand at Dubstep several times, eventually settled at House/Electrohouse. But I actually have no set genre.
Originally Posted by Dinis View Post
I see you make black people music.
I like black people music.

My music is Metal and Electro shiz. Does that make me not black?
Last edited by Kilcreed; Oct 13, 2013 at 10:54 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
My favourite hobby is doing sketches. Im not that good but i still like doing it.

I do sketches because it relaxes my mind and body. I put my whole body and mind into the art im doing so i don't feel anything nor hear anything.

My art teacher at school once told me that I have potential in art so i should do it. That's how my hobby started.