Original Post
Basketball tournament
On sunday the 27th of january i will be hosting a mutliplayer basketball tournament.
It will be hosted in the wHo server, and will be held at 1200gmt.
There will be a limited amount of space for the tournament, and its duration will last for 50 minutes.
If you wish to enter this tournament you must be a black belt.

There will be 16 spots open (now changed, because not everybody showed up). The fspots will go to the first who post here saying they wish to compete.

The prize is an acid blood, kindly donated by shogan.

Game rules
Each player will get one point for every time they score a baket, at the end of the 50 minutes, the player with the most points will be declared as the supreme hoopster.
The game settings are a secret, and the will be randomly and regularly changed throughout, to avoid players using the same move over and over in order to score a point.

Queueing system
The first two player in fighting when the tournament commences will be the first two on. Each game must run its full duration in frames (no speccing midgame). At the end of the game, ther person who wins on points will be ther peraon to stay on. This gives the game a random element, because even if you score one basket, you may not be the fighter who stays on. If the game results in a draw, both player will be asked to spec then enter so two new player can play. After a player plays three times consecutively they will be asked to spec and enter, this is to avoid one player playing most of the games.

If i feel your behaviour is annoying or unnacceptable, I may well ban you from the tournament.

If you would like to enter the tournament, just post here saying so.

Spot 1: Marduk
Spot 2: desertpunk
Spot 3: kwOmp
Spot 4: hector
Spot 5: milkyshake
Spot 6: T0astman
Spot 7: Morok
Spot 8: Taunts
Spot 9: otherone
Spot 10: ishi
Spot 11: kntornsrin
Spot 12: aipom1994
Spot 13: revoloution
Spot 14: deathawaits
Spot 15: screaam
Spot 16: flameskull
spot 17:mr-deanster
spot 18 kosecnono
Last edited by ronalds; Jan 27, 2008 at 12:56 PM. Reason: [Cevius: To protect my eyes. Large text is unneeded in such quantities]
the competition was epic fun, not everyone turned up, so i let some people join in, including hampa and cevius!

here is the final scores

hampa: 2
ronalds:1 (which i thought was quite impressive considering i only played once)

Sdden death playe off: kosecnono wins!!