Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Underway]Achievement Overhaul
This thread has been merged with similar threads. Things related to a new achievement list, new achievements, or simply fixing the achievements goes here.

I would like to suggest this because it's been bugging me.
The achievements are broken, they only work for belt's and full sets.
The rest of the things, like win 1000 akido games and so on, are broken, and do not work.

So I was thinking, why not integrate the achievments into the client? And have a little pop-up come up in the corner. Also, new achievements for beating the bot Uke, and winning your first game. I don't know how you guys will react but that's just what I think. ;)

Thanks for reading.
Last edited by Lazors; Feb 4, 2016 at 09:13 PM.
The juiciest Wolf in town.
Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
so you are saying that to fix the existing achievements,first the database must be fixed?

and is that nabi's work or a forum work?

No, it's probably just as easy to just add those achievements with the new mods. The system isn't broken, the achievements are.
I think the achievements should be brought into steam as a priority, and that game-related achievements should be kept off the forums.

I'm guessing this is forum-related, but i could be wrong (since achievements are directly related to game progress, it might require both?).
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
i don't think there is anything else to add here,i believe its possible
for the achivements to get fixed and add new ones afterwards?
Originally Posted by nikosefs View Post
i don't think there is anything else to add here,i believe its possible
for the achivements to get fixed and add new ones afterwards?

It would be like trying to restart a dying man's heart to eventually give him a new one.
The current achievements are a mess of joke achievements, non-functional achievements and market achievements. The few functional ones are mostly rank related, which is sort of pointless considering the rank system was redone and not fit for the achievements. Most of them are uncreative and dull.
There's even achievements that you can't get at a certain point. Old event and rank achievements, which is something you want to avoid in games.

I say just scrap the current system. Keep the event and market achievements and remove everything else and start over with steam.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
New list of achievements
not saying the current list of achievements are bad
but most of them are not achievable :'D

it would be a fun challenge to collect achievements
and brag about your achievements in every server you join

dont you want them ?
You can't fight change. You can't fight nature.
If achievements were to be overhauled, the achievements that aren't relevant should just be removed completely.
I don't exist
i would rather just see the unused/broken achievements disposed of; they are a waste of space and it would be much easier to trash something than to manually fix whatever is wrong
"I don't need a safety word because my mother didn't raise no quitter." ~BaraYaoi - BDSM Expert
If we were to touch achievements and give them an overhaul, I'd love for them to look into playercard decorations. As it stands now, we have no power to choose which achievements are displayed on our cards no which order they are displayed in. I'm sure people who'd love to customize those cards.
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I sacrificed my firstborn for this great human being to join (M) ~R
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should remove achievements for past events and stuff like the ponies and unicorns stuff that is now unobtainable or make a separate part for stuff like that and call it accolades or whatever you want.
not being able to get 100% would be really shit, given that someone fixes the broken achievements.

and maybe should remove irrelevant ones like the sumo achievements.

Originally Posted by Bodhisattva View Post
If we were to touch achievements and give them an overhaul, I'd love for them to look into playercard decorations. As it stands now, we have no power to choose which achievements are displayed on our cards no which order they are displayed in. I'm sure people who'd love to customize those cards.

and this ^
Choose which achievements to display.
This is just something small but for times when we have to present our user cards I think it would be nice if we could choose what achievements to display. It shouldn't bother me but it does because I'd much rather show off something greater than a full gladiator achievement. Yes I know people can just go through your achievements and see what else you've earned but this is just something simple and a lot of you probably don't care but I don't know if that makes this a bad idea.
Yea makes sense to choose which achievements get displayed., would like to see player card customizations, even if it's a background color.
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