Originally Posted by NormalCitizen View Post
This thread sort of took the pussy side real fast...

Forms of bullying are not limited to physical abuse, it toughens some kids up. And besides, anyone dumb/unstable enough to suicide over what people say is not someone I'd want to share a planet with.

Then leave, Because I don't want to share the planet with ignorant douch bags
AND bullying doesn't man you up... You can only man yourself up so no bully's should not be "back" there'd be so much less death if dick heads would just go bully their tiny dicks instead of other kids cause their jealous ...
Last edited by Monkeyfrog; May 18, 2013 at 12:23 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Monkeyfrog View Post
Then leave, Because I don't want to share the planet with ignorant douch bags [deleted the rest because your grammar is garbage]

Define "ignorant" please.
"This thread sort of took the pussy side real fast...

Forms of bullying are not limited to physical abuse, it toughens some kids up. And besides, anyone dumb/unstable enough to suicide over what people say is not someone I'd want to share a planet with. "

The pussy side...

If I was rich I'd pay someone to randomly beat the fuck out of you and piss on your clothes everyday for no reason, until you break and feel what it is to be on the "pussy side".

Or you need to look up "compassion" in the dictionnary, you know that big book with a lot of words... Because right now you just sound like a shitbag full of testorone with a crual lack of brain
Upon closer inspection of this thread. Someone would probably notice that not everyone who has an opinion against anti-bullying also "wants to put those physically abusive douchy douchebags" back into the schools.
Originally Posted by Monkeyfrog View Post
Yes please bring back the douche bags that forced me to cut hide in my room for weeks attempt suicide several times ... This is just plain douchery

they didn't force you to anything
you decided to be a dumbass and deal with it the exact wrong way
shmevin eats smegma
Originally Posted by Monkeyfrog View Post
Bostaff... We're you bullied?

Originally Posted by boStaff View Post
i don't want to go so far as to say i was bullied, but i was definitely picked on in elementary/middle school

reading is an essential part of posting
shmevin eats smegma
Ok we'll I did read I asked if you were bullied not picked on... See how that works....
So according to you, you haven't been bullied just "teased" so you don't know what it is like to be bullied

And I'm sure everyone who is supporting this is a bully who got shit down and is bored so they want this back... But I can't say bullying did not help me... It did turn me into a homo sexual therapist at the age of 14 ...
But it still does not need to be revived to ruin other kids lifes