Endurance Onslaught 6.0
When I saw a cigarette
I was Kindergarten that time and I used
it and I felt like im gonna die
because I feel something in my lungs Lol
reasonably happy | if gamer grill inbx me | Nightin: hack THIS *unzips dick*
until next time
1. My friends were playing with knives and I tried to stop them and I got cut.
2. The tower of terror in florida. I was like, 6 years old. I didn't go on it, but I thought that if I did, I would... well, you know.
3. Going back to florida, we went to the Animal Kingdom. We went on that safari ride that starts out as a normal tour, and then it turns into a pseudo-hunter chase. We hear gunshots and I'm afraid that I'm gonna get shot. Then all of a sudden, we come to this wooden bridge and I swear I'm going to fall out into the ravine below.
4. I ran across a street and almost got hit by a speeding taxi. NYC ftw.
5. I did an axe kick a little too hard and I dislocated my hip. I thought I was done walking forever.

I know you said "Scariest", but all of these came to mind.
Scariest thing that happened that was really irrational fear was when I was like 6 or 7 I think, and I did something that broke a lightbulb, and it shocked me somehow. It was a harmless shock obviously, but I always heard that if you got electrocuted you would die, so I thought that's what would happen. I thought I was going to die. I would have told my parents, but they'd be mad cus of broken glass on the ground or something so I just lied on my bed hoping I wouldn't die.
At my old school it was like 9 at night and I was in the class by myself and the f'n clock started spinning backwards extremely fast. I literally thought I was gonna get butt raped by a devil
My girlfriend stays to sleep in my house, she says she's seeing something like a "red shadow" i tell her its nothing and that she shouldnt be scared, when we wake up her legs are all scratched and hurt

Fucking scary man, even if i was intact i was right next to her, i live in an apartment almost in the last floor, in a really safe neighborhood, to this day i dont know what happened
Goodness me, my life seems totally uneventful next to some of these. Most of my pants-wetting moments come from horrifying dreams, though there was this once where a piece of sour candy decided to get lodged at the spot where your windpipe begins. Along with being extremely unpleasant, i couldn't breathe for a while, even though i tried (some evil reflex shut down access for air). When i realized that i might choke to death, i decided to go to my (luckily nearby) dad. Thankfully i didn't need no heimlich, since my breath returned on the way. While explaining the situation, i realized that i was WINDED. I was struggling to breathe for long enough that i got fucking winded. Being unable to breathe is terrifying. At least i really liked the air for the rest of the day.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol