DeprivedOR changes his name to Rune, and earlier TheCobra changes his name to Demon.

Not like anyone cares, really.
Welcome to our newest Trial Member 17april. Welcome to Aeon and best of luck for your 4 weeks of Trial time!

On other news, Rune is now an official part of Aeon! Congrats!
Last edited by Chirs; Mar 29, 2015 at 05:41 PM.
CkyToh is now an official part of Aeon again!

Congratulations, make it worth!

On a more somber note, two of our allied clans, Element and GermanUnderground have been moved to the graveyard of clans, their existence transferred to an aethereal state.

Last edited by Chirs; Apr 29, 2015 at 07:54 AM.
April17 has been removed from the clan due to his inactivity during the trial period.

This is not a punishment, since it was excused inactivity, but rather a step taken to give someone else the chance to enter Aeon while april17 is inactive.

We wish april17 best of luck in his future clans.
[Ascend] added to allies.

Rhaemondzzzkie and [RAWR]bitlord <3 added to friend of family.
Last edited by Chirs; May 19, 2015 at 09:19 AM.