The way I view this is that God never begins, and God never ends. Note that God is above and beyond any classification - God is, for example, seperate from the three tangible physical dimensions - 1/x, 2/y and 3/z - and God is also seperate from the 4th metaphysical dimension, the passing of time. God is inclassifiable by physics, normality, or logic.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
3vi1, I bet you one or two people who have post in this thread MIGHT understand some of that. But the fact that god never begins, or ends is interesting.
Back in my day...
Originally Posted by 3vi1 View Post
The way I view this is that God never begins, and God never ends. Note that God is above and beyond any classification - God is, for example, seperate from the three tangible physical dimensions - 1/x, 2/y and 3/z - and God is also seperate from the 4th metaphysical dimension, the passing of time. God is inclassifiable by physics, normality, or logic.

Nice way to explain in ways that cover the details, but nobody will understand.

Translation; God transcends all physical forms of any sort of measurement, therefore, why is he bound by the Laws which govern the universe?
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.
Not exactly, but partially. Anything (supposedly) considerably more powerful than a human could easily be considered God.

My point was that as God transends any aspect of classification, He does not have to have ever begun.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
Originally Posted by isaac View Post
Well, she was wrong, you do not simply go to hell for doing wrong things, or "not choosing the right path". You gotta ask for forgiveness, everyone sins as much as the other and she has no place in saying who would go to hell.
Anyways thats just what i think.

Let me expand a little bit on that.

We are all sinners. Everbody is a sinner. Just one sin makes us guilty. We can not save ourselves no matter how hard we try. We might think that we can get to heaven by doing good things or "being a good person". That is because we all messed up. We can not save ourselves.

God saved us. He died on the cross for everybody's sins. He came to Earth as a man and took all of our sins upon Himself. He died one of the most hideous deaths to save us.

All we have to do to get to heaven is believe in God and believe that He saved us by dying on the cross for us. It is that simple. If we do not believe in God and except His free gift we will go to hell. We can go to heaven by just saying a little prayer. This is the prayer:

"Jesus, I am sinful. I recognize that and do not try to hide it. I can not save myself. I am guilty. You are the one and only true God. You say in the Bible 'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me.' I realize that and I want to except this free gift. Lord, thank you for dying and the cross and saving me from all of my sins. You are my Savior, I can do nothing to save myself except acknowledge that you saved me. Jesus, I love you. Thank you."

I am not trying to flame or judge everybody. I hope you do not think badly of me because of this post.
Last edited by SilentStrike; Mar 6, 2008 at 01:52 AM.
[Triforce]SilentStrike –=:2nd dan Blackbelt:=–

Originally Posted by FNugget View Post
My old mac used to pick up radio when I touched the audio cable to my braces.

I really try hard not to think about stuff like this because then I just can't seem to stop. I guess everything has to start existing at one point, but it really makes no sense it seems.

Edit: I also am sure that was Jesus strike.
"When the pin is pulled, Mr. Grenade is not our friend."
-U.S. Army Training Notice
*breaks door*
Originally Posted by SilentStrike View Post
Let me expand a little bit on that.

We are all sinners. Everbody is a sinner. Just one sin makes us guilty. We can not save ourselves no matter how hard we try. We might think that we can get to heaven by doing good things or "being a good person". That is because we all messed up. We can not save ourselves.

God saved us. He died on the cross for everybody's sins. He came to Earth as a man and took all of our sins upon Himself. He died one of the most hideous deaths to save us.

All we have to do to get to heaven is believe in God and believe that He saved us by dying on the cross for us. It is that simple. If we do not believe in God and except His free gift we will go to hell. We can go to heaven by just saying a little prayer. This is the prayer:

"Jesus, I am sinful. I recognize that and do not try to hide it. I can not save myself. I am guilty. You are the one and only true God. You say in the Bible 'I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through me.' I realize that and I want to except this free gift. Lord, thank you for dying and the cross and saving me from all of my sins. You are my Savior, I can do nothing to save myself except acknowledge that you saved me. Jesus, I love you. Thank you."

I am not trying to flame or judge everybody. I hope you do not think badly of me because of this post.

Won't do, but preaching as such is rarely a good way to get a point across. More often then not, it will accrue contempt towards the cause; Realise that in subjects like this, no view is 'right'.

Also, some people believe that Jesus was the Lord manifested as a man.
Three rules of Q - 1. Qegola and Quarantine both start with Q. 2. There is no U in Qegola. 3. Qegola is you new god.

So a man walks into a bar with a monkey. I forgot the rest of the joke but your mom is a whore.
Redwards, God = Jesus and vice versa (in my opinion). The Bible names Jesus as "The Son of God" but that's probably because the concept is difficult to express. "Avatar of God in man flesh" would be more accurate.

Edit: Qegola got there first.
Last edited by 3vi1; Mar 6, 2008 at 01:59 AM.
"Call yourself alive? I promise you you'll be deafened by dust falling on the furniture,
you'll feel your eyebrows turning to two gashes, and your shoulder blades will ache for want of wings."
heh. 3vi1...god always was and will be...
I'll estimate you could possibly discuss this. By definition, the universe contains all. God is omnipotent, all powerful. If something was all powerful, that means there can be nothing that is more powerful than it. Thus, if God was part of the universe, he could not be all powerful. If god exists outside of the universe...that can't be because the universe contains all. And my logical conclusion is that God IS the universe.
According to religion, God made everything and controls everything that is happening. Well, everything is everything, that's true. Everything controls what's happening, also true. We call it physics, chemistry, science. God is with in every one of us. We'll, yeah? Are we not a small fraction of the universe?
Existing outside of x,y,z,t...that parts a bit confusing. A two dimensional plane can be 3D, it's just that it's upper dimensions are held constant. Since God is all dimensional (because the universe is everything that there is), God always was and always will be.

I know, crazy idea. It's troubling me too. But it's scary, because it makes so much sense to me due to how it explains everything.