Original Post
Make a movie using this song
I'm offering 33240 toricredits to the person who makes the best toribash video using the song "Still Alive"
(Found at: )

Get the mp3 here:

I will be judging the winner.

The deadline will be January 20th.

Submit movies in this form:

Movie name: Movie name
People who made the video: Guy 1, Guy 2
Youtube Link:
Please only post if you are submitting a movie, or are asking a question.

Using original replays.
Nice renders (Not neccesarily shaders, a clearer picture in general)
Effects, though not overused
Camera work

Watermarks (Ex. | Unregistered Hypercam)
Choppyness (Low fps)

You may submit as many movies as you wish.
Last edited by parkermauney; Dec 30, 2007 at 01:02 AM.
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Originally Posted by Bloodude View Post

LOL! Please tell me that you aren't serious....did you read the Pros and Cons section.

Anyway I'm going to enter for a laugh, as long as Jam doesn't enter, I have a chance...
I'm not serious... i was bored...couldnt think of what to do.. soo i did something.. that'll ease my bordem
Sad to say but I'm back.
I liked the part of Bloodudes vid where its singing about the straight line and hes dragging legs across the floor and the bloods makeing a line x]
Guys, I have some bad news...
I have nearly finished my movie! MUHAHA!

Anyway, I'm not sure whether or not to release it...and let noobs copy me...
Originally Posted by AlexOwnz View Post
How can that song go along with a TORIBASH video.

That's the FUCKING point.
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