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Bet cancel/increase
So, here I was, betting in a tourney, when my friend bets on a match and no one counters. He loses his bet, which reminds me how on a betting server an op would cancel all bets if there is no counter. This gave me the idea; well, the server should auto cancel all bets after the frame limit, if there's no counters! So here I am...what do you guys think of this idea?
Last edited by Lazors; Jul 6, 2014 at 04:52 PM.
We need to strengthen our roots and bloom the inner flowers that represent our minds. We are not beasts. Not savages, but men.- PeaceKeeper62
increase and delete bet
well this is an easy suggustion
1.u can delete your own bet(only in the bet)
sometimes u miss click or have to go
and the bet frames didnt end
2.to increase your bet ( increase it before the bet frames end too)
INB4 14 days ban
Yeah this is something i agree with.
Betting is already a "who bets last" sport, so even if you give players the ability to increase their bets i don't see it being used negatively. This would make more people bet and less people to wait for the last moment.

To make things more interesting we could add a max increase of x% of the amount you bet in the first place. For example:
Player 1 bets 500 tc, he can increase his bet with 50% of his original bet, so his maxbet is 750.
Player 2 bet 1000 tc, so his maxbet is 1500.

This makes it so you have to bet high in the first place to win the betting war, but you can still increase your bet if someone bets above you.

I also see no reason to just sink tc because of no counters. Not that i mind tc sinks, but having to be afraid of a lazy op is silly. It's stupid to scare off bets like that.
Bets are for TC Sinks :o
It might stay that way. The concept isn't bad tho. Let's see where this goes.
. . .
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[7:19 PM] Aliosa: Can't have loopholes if there are no loops.

[9:14 AM] Viddah: Just remember if you step on toes youre gonna have to suck on them to make the pain go away
[9:16 AM] [Faux_fan]ancient: put me in the screenshot
I don't think you should be able to cancel your bet, because decaps and dms can happen in the first few frames. I do think you should be able to increase it though.
Automatic cancelbets
Title says all ^

If no counters, the system cancel the bets automatically.

wow, such english
R.I.P Static
As a host, this would be very useful, especially if you're a single host who happens to be in a game. It's frustrating when people say "hey br0 cancelbets", despite the fact that you're trying to not get your ass kicked.
| old boi | Cyri | Xioi | Chill | SparChar | Fatman | JackMorris |
"Go back in time and get it tomorrow" - Jack
Ya its kind of your fault since you bet on a server that cant cancel its simple just dont bet on a non-betting server unless someone does first
I support the "Increase bets" idea, within a reasonable ammount to be increased, just as Lazors said. If this Increased ammount is not controlled, people would take advantage of it to have a minimal tc loss.
For instance: I have an enormous ammount of toricredits on my account, but I don't want to make risky bets. I will always bet 100tc as the match starts
-If the player I bet 100tc on does very good, I could increase the ammount of my bet to whatever I'd like it to. Thus, taking advantage of the non-controlled Increase Bets system.
-If the player I bet didn't do any good, the bet would keep 100tc and I would have a minimal tc loss.

I do not support the players canceling their bets, though. Operators can do it manually. And recently, TBradio managed to create a bot that automatically cancel all bets if the counter is any lower than 10%. If players could cancel their own bets, no one would ever lose/win TC betting.