i made it slow on purpose and if u want fast then ima make a new one.
Basher515----10th Dan Black Belt
And the "cut in half* is terrible, really. Looks like he splits into two torsos...when I said cut in half, I meant horozontally. And it's WAAAY too short. And why does he fade in? And why does the guy just stand there? And why am I asking so many questions?

Proud Member of [Inq] - 4th Dan
Here's VERY important tip to all you of you pivoteers out there!

the tip is: Always try to move more than 1 joint in an animation to remove stiffness, and it gets better as there become more easing and multiple joint movements...
i hope this tip helped! ( i know this only because ive been pivoting for a year now, at Droidz.org baby that place has all your pivot satisfaction-needs, from tutorials to stick figures, tips, pivot collabs, joints, etc.)
I dont care.. But i guess. The harsher the critique the better! But dont just say aa thats shit.. Say mmm thats not very good. Do such and such to make it better.
KK thankies!
Unknown DoooD
The Revolution approaches. Our arrival is unavoidable. Expect us.
hows about if u can make me one where these two guys fight to the death then a dinosaur eats them a the end XD if u can
make me one of a guy just ripping the other guy to shreds then after that make it say

"bloodbath wins"


Activism is a duty, not a choice. Only through activism can we really make this a country for the people, and by the people. Cast aside your apathy. Don't stay behind closed doors.
KK. BloodBath added. Might take a while. (Max 2 days unless basher can do it)

DarkSeraph: Here is the start of yours... Its just the start soooo yeah...
I dont suppose i can make it hand to hand instead of sword fighting for the next bit?
Unknown DoooD
The Revolution approaches. Our arrival is unavoidable. Expect us.