Seems like someone is DDoSing their servers or something.
There were no connection problems yesterday.

EDIT: The servers seem to be totally crashed.
Last edited by Dodekus; Jun 17, 2010 at 02:54 PM.
Maybe they're switching servers or something? Because there is a lot of players now, and their old servers probably can't handle that many people.

French version works though.

/salon toribash anyone?
Oh my, what is this doing here?
4 players curentlly in /salon toribash
french version,you can login with a english account if u registered there.
Last edited by Shaogorath; Jun 17, 2010 at 03:33 PM.

Smack Bitches.


French version works fine.

DaPwnner: Figured out how to do the plank somewhere where you can't reach with your shaman. First prepare to do one where you can reach. Drag it to the right place and then press B. It can be a bit hard to drag it to the right place but you can test several times.
Last edited by Dodekus; Jun 17, 2010 at 03:54 PM.