Originally Posted by MrMrO View Post
Sense of touch, i don't want to feel anything whenever i touch something... i want it to feel nothing at all.

I guarantee you will give yourself 3rd degree burns at some point.

I'd give up Sight. My fave past time is lying in the dark listening to things. Music, running water, the wind, random notes on my toy electric piano.

Probably gonna get flamed, "You wouldn't say that if you knew how blind people suffer". You know, maybe I wouldn't, but I don't so this is what I think.
taste, if we're assuming all other senses function normally (which, realistically wouldn't be true of course, but whatever)

i could live with being about to smell my food as a substitute for taste, but not the other way around
Your pal,
Taste. Yeah, food is life but tasting it isn't really that big of a deal. Anyway, it would be a hell of a lot eaisier to eat healthy and diet.
Originally Posted by FruitCandy View Post
Taste. Yeah, food is life but tasting it isn't really that big of a deal. Anyway, it would be a hell of a lot eaisier to eat healthy and diet.

Also no overeating, unhealthy cravings, and when you turn on the stove too fast that the fire didn't light and flammable gasses fill up your wont blow your shit up.
Last edited by FruitCandy; Feb 7, 2016 at 03:54 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Probably taste.So then I'd actually be able to lose some weight, since food doesn't have taste, therefore being meaningless to eat non healthy food.
Id get ridof smell taste and feeling. Maybe iwant to rip a chunk out of my skin. Don't ask.
I ruined Moops Sig.
smell because i already can't smell out of one of my left nostrils and for a while ive been too stuffed up to breathe and i dont really care lmao
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Sense of Hearing. Living in an urban area is so fucking annoying. I would love to block out the sound of traffic.

Lol, Just kidding.

Taste isn't really that important. I would eradicate my sense of taste in a heartbeat.
hmm let's see.

sight - no boobs
touch - pointless sex
hearing - no music, fuck no.
smell - i wouldn't mind not being able to smell tbh, though that would mean i would have to always have to make sure i smell good for when i am in public
taste - pretty much ruins eating food for me

i will go with smell.