Endurance Onslaught 6.0
New app - Nickroxit
Hey Ele,

I was looking to join a clan with Triton, since we get along so well all the time. He mentioned to me that you guys were cool, and then joined you. I just want to join a cool laid back clan. I went into the the IRC and got to know some of the people in there, and they all seemed pretty cool. You guys seem to be a clan that I would be honored to say that I'm a part of; maybe I can get to know you on a more personal level sometime.

Application below (if needed) \/ \/ \/

Hey, I'm Nick or Nickroxit. I'm an up and coming replay maker, but I'm also pretty good at aikido based mods. I know you guys are a personality-based clan, so I'm not gonna go into in game skill too much.

So a little bit about me... Let's see... I love to be athletic, so I do some sports in school. This leads to me being inactive sometimes, because of how busy I am with homework and such. I play trombone, which I'm in love with, if you ever feel like requesting a song for me to learn, I can do that by ear and that's basically my life.

I got into a strange game called Toribash a little over a year ago. I didn't play it for a while, then got really into it because it was a way inadvertently beat the shit out people (I was going through some stuff). Shortly after getting into the game, I met one of the best friends I'll ever have, tedster789. We went into the life of replay makers together and have stuck together ever since. I spar, trick, and parkour. He parkours. Monk was my clan for a very long time, then I met these really cool guys from a really chill clan called New Era. I just barely made it in because of my realism capabilities. I was only in this awesome clan for a few months until it's unfortunate demise. Before it's untimely death I got to know some of my best friends such as, Triton, Static, CounterAlt, and Galaxy.

I'm following the person in that clan that I was closest to, to this clan. That is Triton. Even right now he's acting like an idiot with me in a call. It would mean the world to me if I could keep on being in clans with him.

Thoughts, everyone? PMed a few people this, but I just figured it'd be easiest just post it here. Link's voted a not-so-strong, I-don't-know-the-guy-but-he-seems-ok yes and IIInsanEEE's given a flat no.

Nickroxit, join IRC and try to get to know everyone who goes there. Nobody really knows much about you, so it'd help if you made an impression there.
You seem like a pretty nice guy from what your application reads but I'll need to talk to you for a little bit to see what your like. Your application is actually really nice but I'm not sure that you'd fit in. I hope to see you around in the future!
Last edited by GoldenRox; Apr 24, 2015 at 02:44 AM.
[14:08] <@ego> uncreative fuck R.I.P TL;DR
[14:08] <GoldenRox> That's me all right \(o_o/)
I'd just be curious to get to know him first. He said it himself that he really just wants to be here because of Triton, which kind of scares me. I might change my mind if I get to know him better. It's good that he put so much effort into his app though.
League of Legends NA: Locus
I know Nick really well, me and him talk every day and are great friends. I can easily support that he would make a great addition. It's a yes from me.

Also, he's somewhat above average i'd say at sparring and realism, and he's been improving ingame daily.
"do it again and i'll insert my giant watermelon dick into your cornhole" ~ Smaguris
I'm free to talk to any of you, any time you see me! I want to talk and get to know you guys (in hopes we'll be clan mates someday). I'm usually hanging out with Triton!
Some members I've spoken to question your maturity. The clan seems split down the middle about you. So, stick around for a bit, join IRC, let our guys get to know you - same deal as RogoCop.
Also, if you want to make a good impression on us, make sure that your posts are good quality and they are contributing to whichever thread you are posting on. One-word posts are generally not accepted. We pride ourselves on our forum prowess and intelligence, so if you want to prove that you are worth our time, you should demonstrate some of that. Just my two cents.
League of Legends NA: Locus
Roboflop; to be honest the chances of you getting accepted at this point are next to none so I wouldn't bother. Maybe trying to get to know us better and make a good impression is worth a try but you might have a hard time doing it.
Good morning sweet princess
Alright! I'm in the IRC right now, making rap battles, and having fun with you guys in general! xDDD

I gotta say about my maturity, I can be mature, but I'm about as mature as Triton is when he get comfortable talking to people!