Original Post
Texture Sets with Toricredit Deposits
For the month of May...

You get texture sets for Toricredit deposits and/or Boosting!

Deposit Toricredits: (thru' Paypal, Wallie, One Bip or Shareit)

- 250k and more for a Full Texture set.

- 100k and more for Hand, Feet and Head textures.

- 28k and more and you will HAS a set of Hand Textures.

Boost: (thru' Paypal)

- 1000, 1 month or more for a full texture set.

- 200, any duration for Hand Textures.

- Qi, any duration for Hand Textures.

We will update and send them manually, so there's no need to pm us.




I already has teh head texture and want to send it to a friend. I can do that no?

Of course!

If you already have a head texture/or any other textures and you still want the package, you can send the bits you already have to ONE FRIEND.

PM me the following:
Username of friend: Texture to give to friend

Last edited by Gman80; May 6, 2008 at 06:39 AM.
just wondering... if I were to get 100k, and I already have a head tex, but I want the hands... could I have you send the head to someone else, but let me have the hands and feet?
Ryan: You cant beat Snoop Dog StellarNinja: I have a song with an electric bagpipe solo Ryan: ... FUCKING PLAY IT
i bought 28k credits and it said it comes with hand textures, yet i cant find them anywhere i checked in inventory and textures but it has nothing for hand textures, where are they ^_-
KinhiI: We'll update your inventory to enable hand textures manually. Thanks so much for getting credits!

Stellar Ninja: Ok once you have made the transaction, PM me who you would like the head to go to. Thank you!

To all: we will be updating your inventories manually. So do allow one working day for the inventories to be updated.

Cheers guys
I bought a 1000 booster for 1 month but have not gotten full texture set.

Its been 2 days :/

Please give me my texturez :o
Aff you hack


I have updated all textures now. The items should be in your inventory.

From this point on all TC purchases should automatically add textures to your inventories. If not.. please contact me.

so wait, if I were to buy 100k, would I be able to send the head to my friend, but keep all the others
Ryan: You cant beat Snoop Dog StellarNinja: I have a song with an electric bagpipe solo Ryan: ... FUCKING PLAY IT
StellarNinja: Yes you would be able to transfer any texture you want. Only to one friend... PM me with the details if you want to do so k.

I'll post in the first message to reflect this.

