Name: Shuckle/Shamar
How long you've been using IRC: About a year now
How far your knowledge of IRC extends: Quite a lot, although I don't really remember much other than register things and op stuff.
How often you are on IRC: I am always in irc, I usually there 24/7 and afk when I sleep
How active you are on IRC: I usually check back in when I see someone said something
How long you've been in this clan (if you are): I am not in the clan, just in irc to help ,-,
Whether or not you've read our IRC rules: I read them when you gave them to me via irc :3
What position you would like: half op, it suits me. I don't need much ;o
Originally Posted by usimm View Post

Name: Declan/usimm.
How long you've been using IRC: Around three years.
How far your knowledge of IRC extends: Enough.
How often you are on IRC: I'm on the #bleu irc more than you are.
How active you are on IRC: ^
How long you've been in this clan (if you are): Not too long, i'm fairly new.
Whether or not you've read our IRC rules: I wrote them.
What position you would like: Anything you want me to fill, if you need someone to fill it.

I'll give you channel admin for the following reasons:

1. Retrieving active members for the channel.

2. Incredible activity in the channel.

3. Helping out so much before and after joining Bleu.

Originally Posted by Shuckle View Post
Name: Shuckle/Shamar
How long you've been using IRC: About a year now
How far your knowledge of IRC extends: Quite a lot, although I don't really remember much other than register things and op stuff.
How often you are on IRC: I am always in irc, I usually there 24/7 and afk when I sleep
How active you are on IRC: I usually check back in when I see someone said something
How long you've been in this clan (if you are): I am not in the clan, just in irc to help ,-,
Whether or not you've read our IRC rules: I read them when you gave them to me via irc :3
What position you would like: half op, it suits me. I don't need much ;o

Sure, accepted.
Name: Duhai
How long you've been using IRC: 5minutes
How far your knowledge of IRC extends:At the begginning
How often you are on IRC:If im needed of not,if i have opportunity,ill not turn off it when the pc is on
How active you are on IRCepends.....
How long you've been in this clan (if you are):I think 30-60minutes
Whether or not you've read our IRC rules:I have readed them all
What position you would like:Student
Originally Posted by Duhai View Post
Name: Duhai
How long you've been using IRC: 5minutes
How far your knowledge of IRC extends:At the begginning
How often you are on IRC:If im needed of not,if i have opportunity,ill not turn off it when the pc is on
How active you are on IRCepends.....
How long you've been in this clan (if you are):I think 30-60minutes
Whether or not you've read our IRC rules:I have readed them all
What position you would like:Student

Well, the IRC positions are spots of power on IRC that experienced members apply for, though your application gives me the idea to add an IRC class here.

Even within failure, victory can be found.
Name: Joker
How long you've been using IRC: Weeks/Months
How far your knowledge of IRC extends:
How often you are on IRC: very often
How active you are on IRC: 8/10
How long you've been in this clan (if you are): A day or less....
Whether or not you've read our IRC rules: Some of'em
What position you would like: channel op
Enigma | Indonesian?
rip aelise, she wil b remembrd
Originally Posted by jokerstein View Post
Name: Joker
How long you've been using IRC: Weeks/Months
How far your knowledge of IRC extends:
How often you are on IRC: very often
How active you are on IRC: 8/10
How long you've been in this clan (if you are): A day or less....
Whether or not you've read our IRC rules: Some of'em
What position you would like: channel op

You have recently joined the clan, recently started using our channel, didn't put how much you know about IRC, and applied without having read all of our rules.

Denied for channel operator status.
Ohai there, re-apply

Name: Matt
How long you've been using IRC: As i said in my prevoius app, 1,5 year
How far your knowledge of IRC extends: Scripts using, common knowledge and bots (nick, chan etc.).
How often you are on IRC: I try to be everyday, but sometimes internet is out.
How active you are on IRC:
2-8 hours, but some of them I idle when nothing happens, I am alone on channel or I have nothing to do and watch some anime (like Death Note, FMA etc.), so approx 3,5h. I can't say exactly how long i am active .
How long you've been in this clan (if you are): 7 months as a teacher
Whether or not you've read our IRC rules: What about I read'em?
What position you would like: Op
best vlad in plat V Kappa
kat <3
Originally Posted by evildog View Post
Ohai there, re-apply

Name: Matt
How long you've been using IRC: As i said in my prevoius app, 1,5 year
How far your knowledge of IRC extends: Scripts using, common knowledge and bots (nick, chan etc.).
How often you are on IRC: I try to be everyday, but sometimes internet is out.
How active you are on IRC:
2-8 hours, but some of them I idle when nothing happens, I am alone on channel or I have nothing to do and watch some anime (like Death Note, FMA etc.), so approx 3,5h. I can't say exactly how long i am active .
How long you've been in this clan (if you are): 7 months as a teacher
Whether or not you've read our IRC rules: What about I read'em?
What position you would like: Op

You're usually on earlier than me, so I'll talk to people that are on at the same time as you.

Originally Posted by kareem98 View Post
Nobody uses the IRC...

You get on earlier than most of our IRC users do.
Originally Posted by Rayleigh View Post
You're usually on earlier than me, so I'll talk to people that are on at the same time as you.

@Rayle: you can talk to Shuckle, Birdflu and some students. They are in the same time as me.
Last edited by Ray; Jul 11, 2011 at 09:20 PM.
best vlad in plat V Kappa
kat <3