it's not done yet no if you did the plot would be messed up :V live with it
SFST Sub Leader and now the SFST Shop keeper.
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Chapter 4 Part 4 Scection 2

"I think youare forgeting something." Gamer said while pointing at the lions inching closer to them. "What but there's only like 20..." He stopped as some bears and wolves walked through the door. "OK we might need some help. Come on!" Said Lazer as he grabbed Gamer and ran out of the back door. They started to run up the dirt road and took the turn. Lazer ran up to Scream's base and knocked on the door. "What are you doing?" Asked Gamer as someone opened the door. "Lazer LAZER!" A fox yelled causeing a beaver to walk up. "Shadowboy go get everyone you can, OK?" "Alright Andrew." Said Shadowboy as he ran off. "What's this about, Lazer?" Asked the fox. "Inu I need your guys help." "What for?" "Oh not much about 50 lions, bears, and wolves." Inu looked stuned at Lazer. The lions made the turn and Shadowboy came out with a few of the Screams. "What is that it Andrew? And Shadowboy said it was important. I think he can take them..." Said a raccoon. "Greatone..." Said Lazer unable to say a word to his former leader. "You know you'll always be a Scream no matter what Lazer..." Said Greatone. "So that's why we came here Lazer? Cause you know them?" "That and they were close."

Chapter 4 Part 4 Section 3

A lion rushed Lazer. Lazer grabbed the lions hand and kicked the lion on the side of it's chest. Lazer could hear the spin crack, but he dropped the lion and turned. Greatone was fighting a bear, but a wolf started to rush at Greatone. Greatone kicked the bear, turned around missing the clwas, and sucker punched the wolf. Lazer turned again and saw the big wolf was back. "You just won't stop will you?" Lazer asked the wolf. The wolf smashed his claws on Lazer's head. The wolf walked off and Lazer fell down to the ground. Unable to move, Lazer watched the fight from the ground. Shadowboy had bashed his tail of lion when Lazer saw him. And a few feet to Shadowboy's left, Lazer saw Nin, a hawk, upper cut the bear he was fighting. Inu and Gamer were tag teaming a few lions and wolves. Inu was swinging Gamer around and Gamer was blasting away at them with is fire arm. After a while the bears, lions, and wolves ran off. Nin walked over to Lazer and asked him if he was alright. "Yeah alittle rest should do the trick." Said Lazer as Nin helped him up. "It's getting late. You two should stay here for the night." Said Greatone as clan Scream headed into their base for the night.

SFST Sub Leader and now the SFST Shop keeper.
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Chapter 5 Part 1

"Welcome on and all to the Grand Fight!" The crowd went crazy. "Today will be the first rounds of the the prefights. You see before you the 256 fighters that will be fighting and by the end of these next five days there will be sixteen left." Jab looked around at the others. He saw a lot of good fighters, a few OK ones, and some noobs. "This will be an all judo fight; we will be going on standered judo rules. The prizes have been give to us by some of the clans and youshops that work here in this forest. OK fighters go look at the list of fighters for your name and find out what the fighting group you're in." Jab walked to the list of fighters and found his name. There was an A by it so he ran off to the A group. "Are you Jab?" Asked one of the officials. "Yes." "Then you're up." Jab ran up to his starting area and saw he was fighting a cat. "Ready? Fight!" Jab went to kick the cat but the cat grabbed his leg. Then jab smashed his arms on the cat's head and it DQed. "Jab moves on. We will see you tomorrow," the official said, the pointed to the cat "you and your team are OUT!" Jab ran back to the list of fighters and looked up Lazer. Jab, after learning here he was fighting, ran over to Lazer's fighting group just in time to see Lazer start hhis fight. "Good luck Lazer." Said Jab.

Chapter 5 Part 2

Gamer looked throught the list of fighters for his name. "Hey Gamer you're in group C." Said a wolf. "Oh hey thanks... Um have we ever m-" "I'm in Buya's clan, SFST. The name's Masterj05h." Siad the wolf cutting off Gamer. "Oh OK well hope we fight someday." "Yeah me two." Said Masterj05h as he walked off to a group of wolves. Gamer walked over to his fighting group. "Are you Gamer?" Asked an offical. "Why yes I am." "OK you're up next." Gamer watched the fighters that were already up, a cat and a hawk he saw about 4 days ago. Another offical stepped into the fight. "This caty's team is out. Nin moves on." Gamer start to head for the feild when Nin came over to him. "Hey Gamer good luck." Nin said. "Hey you also. Too bad about the fight. I mean you didn't even get to finish it." Another monkey stepped on to the feild and Nin walked off. "Ready... FIGHT!" Yelled the first offical. Gamer punched the other monkey while it shifted to the left. The monkey grabbed Gamer's neck, but Gamer gave him a hard right kick. Gamer punched again while the monkey tried to headbutt Gamer. Gamer chopped at the hand of the other monkey that was grabbing his neck. It broke and the other monkey went flying from another punch from Gamer and when the other monkey hit the ground, his knee hit meaning he DQed. "Gamer wins." Gamer walked off the feild and stood next to Nin. "Good job Gamer." Nin told him.
SFST Sub Leader and now the SFST Shop keeper.
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Chapter 5 Part 1

"Welcome on and all to the Grand Fight!" The crowd went crazy. "Today will be the first rounds of the the prefights. You see before you the 256 fighters that will be fighting and by the end of these next five days there will be sixteen left." Jab looked around at the others. He saw a lot of good fighters, a few OK ones, and some noobs. "This will be an all judo fight; we will be going on standered judo rules. The prizes have been give to us by some of the clans and youshops that work here in this forest. OK fighters go look at the list of fighters for your name and find out what the fighting group you're in." Jab walked to the list of fighters and found his name. There was an A by it so he ran off to the A group. "Are you Jab?" Asked one of the officials. "Yes." "Then you're up." Jab ran up to his starting area and saw he was fighting a cat. "Ready? Fight!" Jab went to kick the cat but the cat grabbed his leg. Then jab smashed his arms on the cat's head and it DQed. "Jab moves on. We will see you tomorrow," the official said, the pointed to the cat "you and your team are OUT!" Jab ran back to the list of fighters and looked up Lazer. Jab, after learning here he was fighting, ran over to Lazer's fighting group just in time to see Lazer start hhis fight. "Go Andrew!" Said Jab.

Chapter 5 Part 2

Gamer looked throught the list of fighters for his name. "Hey Gamer you're in group C." Said a wolf. "Oh hey thanks... Um have we ever m-" "I'm in Buya's clan, SFST. The name's Masterj05h." Siad the wolf cutting off Gamer. "Oh OK well hope we fight someday." "Yeah me two." Said Masterj05h as he walked off to a group of wolves. Gamer walked over to his fighting group. "Are you Gamer?" Asked an offical. "Why yes I am." "OK you're up next." Gamer watched the fighters that were already up, a cat and a hawk he saw about 4 days ago. Another offical stepped into the fight. "This caty's team is out. Nin moves on." Gamer start to head for the feild when Nin came over to him. "Hey Gamer good luck." Nin said. "Hey you also. Too bad about the fight. I mean you didn't even get to finish it." Another monkey stepped on to the feild and Nin walked off. "Ready... FIGHT!" Yelled the first offical. Gamer punched the other monkey while it shifted to the left. The monkey grabbed Gamer's neck, but Gamer gave him a hard right kick. Gamer punched again while the monkey tried to headbutt Gamer. Gamer chopped at the hand of the other monkey that was grabbing his neck. It broke and the other monkey went flying from another punch from Gamer and when the other monkey hit the ground, his knee hit meaning he DQed. "Gamer wins." Gamer walked off the feild and stood next to Nin. "Good job Gamer." Nin told him.

Chapter 5 Part 3

"Alright group H. I wonder if there will be any good fighters..." Buya started off, wondering about his next few fights. He walked over to the area that had an H over it. "OK, if you're Buya you're up." Said the offical. Buya stepped onto the feild. "Hey you're in kj's clan." Said the mole he was about tofight. "You know him?" "Yeah we are good friends, but I know Lazer better." "Well good luck. The offical stepped up. "Ready... FIGHT!" Buya jumped up and kicked the mole. The mole slashed at Buya. Buya punched downwards and flatend the mole on the ground. Buya moves on. "Hahaha... Good game. And can you tell kj that Camper said hi?" "Yes I can, Camper." Buya walked back to the Great Tree to check his letters. He had one and it was from kj. It read:

Hey I can't tell you much now, but don't let Masterj05h near Andrew. Whatever you do. You can't tell Anderw about this letter eather. All I can say now is that if Lazer and Masterj05h talk something bad will happen to all of us in the forest.

"What's this about?" Asked Buya to himself.

Chapter 5 Part 4

"I'm guessing you're Lazer." "Yeah and left me guess. I'm up next. "Yes." Said the offical to Lazer. As the two fighters steped down from the field, Lazer and a bear stepped up. [As the fight started Jab walked in. "Go Andrew!" Said Jab.] "Rasdy... FIGHT!" Lazer power kicked the bear in the chest, but the bear held his ground. Then Lazer tried a punch, which also didn't work. "Is it OK if I use my powers?" "Yes you may said the offical. Lazer blasted off a bolt of discharge at the bear. The bear, not feeling a thing, clawed at Lazer. Lazer, at the same time, tried to kick the side of the bear's chest, which did nothing. The bear grabbed him and flipped him in mid-air. Lazer landed on his hands and once again tried to kick the bear. This time the bear ran up, turned in mid-air, and body slamed Lazer's chest. Lazer was inches away from hittign the ground when an offical came running up. "Hold it! This fight is over because that bears team is out." Said the offical "Man Andrew you're super lucky." Said Jab. "Don't you know it." Laze siad with a smile.

End Chapter 5
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