Skill job. Kids, when you turn adults keep that in mind: just do what you love (apply for jobs)
Would yoi rather spar with swexx, largekilla, jaker or oblivion?

I would rather Jaker.
Last edited by Arakata; Jun 29, 2016 at 02:50 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
I would rather spar with swexx cause he is the less rusty of those right now lmao.

Would you rather know the question but not theanswer or the other way round?
Originally Posted by Oxide View Post
you seem to take these questions very lightly
since you're assuming that you will 100% die of old age

because I don't have no secrets (well less secrets) I've been fucked up before and practically I never broken a bone since I was home-bodied

and the other way around because I do that on most occasions at school

would you be a highly respected moderator or a underrated legend
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
as papa franku was asked.

would you rather have dick sized nipples or a nipple sized dick?
Originally Posted by bgjames1 View Post
because I don't have no secrets (well less secrets) I've been fucked up before and practically I never broken a bone since I was home-bodied

and the other way around because I do that on most occasions at school

would you be a highly respected moderator or a underrated legend

Most of good replaymakers/mplayers are underrated in our community. Respect means noting here since the bias have dominated the community.
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
Originally Posted by bgjames1 View Post
because I don't have no secrets (well less secrets) I've been fucked up before and practically I never broken a bone since I was home-bodied

and the other way around because I do that on most occasions at school

would you be a highly respected moderator or a underrated legend

Underrated legend because i have always wanted that secretly

Would you rather
Bring the Dinosaurs to life
Bring Transformers to life

Bring dinosaurs: they re my favorite part of history animals,also they wont make heavy city destructions.

Wold you rather:
Take care of a tiger or take care of a lion?
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592
Take care of a tiger, because they got stripes.

Would you rather eat a human or eat your pet?
Hi Im Travem :)
eat a human sadly I love my pets more than most people

would you jump out of a plane or jump out of a helicopter?
Chab>What a dead game
bgjames1>I like WhiteF719
Welp planes can get higher p: so probably jum from a plane, to do some parachuting ofc (did i even spell that righ?)

Would you rather have a beast pc with a few games or a console with all available games?